Chapter 7

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Lauren POV

I am running late. I absolutely hate running late. It was all because of my brother's stupid teammates cluttering around the hall.

When I ask them to move, do they? Nope, instead some slim ball tries hitting on me. Not today saint, I have a kid I need to get to.

I hurried through my locker and got out of the school as fast as I could. Once I get to my car, I send out a quick text.

Lauren: I'm on my way. Sorry for being behind.

I put my key in the ignition and turned my car on. I pull out of the parking lot and head to the Estrabao's house to pick up Carter.

Not only did the dumb jocks slow me down, but now I am also stuck in traffic.

"Just freaking great." I mumble as I jam my head back.

"GO!" I yell at the vehicles in front of me.

"For fucks sake, put your damn foot on the pedal and go."

"Do people not know what a green light means?"

I swear people forget how to drive. It took me an extra ten minutes to get to my son's babysitter. Nothing in this world is more irritating than these stupid ass drivers slowing me down.

I park my car along the side of the road and jog up to the door. I ring the doorbell and wait as patiently as I can.

Once the door opened, I was being attacked like every single day. "Mommy!"

"Hey baby!" I squeeze my little man in my arms. "How was your day?"

Carter leans back in my arms. "It was awesome! Besides nap time, that part was no fun."

I look at Sinu who is laughing. "You know napping isn't a punishment right? Your daddy, SInu, and I do it so you can be rested and full of energy."

"I guess." He frowns, but it quickly fades. "Guess what?"


"Uncle Chris has another game tonight! Can we go? Please mommy, please?" Carter is now bouncing up and down in my arms.

I fear if I don't answer him, I might drop him. "Yes we will go."

"Awesome!" He squirms out of my arms and runs over to Sinu. "Bye!"

It makes my heart warm seeing how well Carter is with Sinu as he hugs her. It puts my mind at ease a little while I am at school. Only a little though, because when you have your own child you are constantly worrying.

"I'm sorry I was late." I apologize to Sinu.

"You weren't late. It's 3:47 right now and I get paid until five. If at all you are always early." She informs me of information I wasn't aware of. "You two have a great night."

I nod. "You as well."

I take Carter to my car and get him strapped in. Before I take off, I send Zayn a quick text.

Lauren: I thought we agreed on daycare from 7:30 to 4:00?

I don't' wait for a reply because knowing his schedule he could be free right now or busy for the next eight.

"Can you play daddy's band song?" Carter asks from the backseat. "Pleasssse?"

The first time he asked me, I didn't know what song he meant since Zayn left One Direction, but Carter is referring to a song off their albums with them.

I scroll through my music and click on the song. "Here you go buddy!"

"Turn it way up like daddy does."

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