Chapter 8

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Lauren POV

I finish getting ready for school and then go into Carter's room to wake him up to get him to the sitters.

"Hey buddy." I run my hand in a circle on his back. "It's time to get up bud."

Carter's eyes flutter open. "Hi mommy." He says in a groggy voice.

"How are you feeling bud?" I put my hand on his forehead. "Do you still feel yucky? I can stay home with you today."

Carter has been sick since Friday night. His fever broke Sunday morning, but he wasn't his normal self all day.

"I am better." He grabs himself out of nowhere. "I need to pee!"

Yup, he is feeling better. His little legs take off out of his room towards the bathroom down here. I gather his clothes for the day and get an extra pair out to take to Sinu's just in case he gets sick again.

"Carter, come back in here please." I yelled out so he could hear me. He comes running back in here. "We need to get you dressed and get going. Sinu is going to have breakfast for you when we get there."

I am so thankful for Sinu. Zayn finally responded to my text and it turns out he hired Sinu from 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. His reasoning is in case I need to be at school early or if I need to stay late.

At first I was a little irritated, but I realize it's very thoughtful and more than likely I'll need her early or late someday.

I get Carter buckled in and head down the road. "Mommy?"

"Yes baby?"

"Why can't you and daddy live together again?" My heart drops. "When I was with him all I did was miss you. Now I'm with you and all I do is miss him."

I don't know how to respond to him and it makes me feel awful. He is too young to understand the reasons that his dad and I aren't together. "Do you want me to play his music? Will that help you miss him less?"

"Yeah." He still sounds so sad, which is heartbreaking. "Can you play Rock Me? Daddy says I sound just like Louis when I sing!"

I giggle at him as I put the song on. After Harry's part, my toddler starts singing loudly in the backseat.

-I used to think that I was better alone. Why did I ever wanna let you go. Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea. The words you used to whispered I will always believe.-

I turned the music down after the part when I noticed in the rearview mirror that Carter was shedding tears.

"What's wrong Carter?"

"Uncle Louis." He says through sniffles. "I never see him anymore and daddy won't ever call him when I ask."

My poor baby... The whole world knows about Zayn and Louis's fallout after Zayn left the band. It's sad that Zayn won't make it right for our son's sake.

"I'll see what I can do bud." I try cheering him up. "Maybe I can convince daddy to talk to him so you can."

I at least said enough to stop Carter from crying. I get to Sinu's house and get Carter out along with his things.

Carter runs up to the door and rings the doorbell about a hundred times. An older lady soon opens the door.

"Sorry about that." I apologize for my son's behavior. "He was sick all weekend and I think he is getting all of his energy back."

Sinu watches as Carter zooms in the house. "Not a problem. I'll see you after school."

"Bye Carter." I shout out. "I love you."

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