Stronger Than You

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TW: themes of death


Stronger Than You:

201X, Dec.

You knew you had a reason. It killed you like diseases.
She watched you from the large panel, killing each and every one of her friends, all of the monsters she knew. Once their remains scattered along the floor, you would rub your hands in it and smile a sick, twisted grin. Just looking at you made her quiver in fear, and she knew she had to leave, but couldn't. She was frozen as you stood in front of the waterfall, looking straight at one of her cameras. You lifted an ashy hand and waved slowly, grin growing. "Alphys," she watched you mouth, "Alphys, I'm hunting you down. I'll make you watch them all die. I'll make you suffer." Her trembling hands reached for the phone and she dialed Asgore immediately, crying.


Mr. Know-It-All had his reign, and his fall - at least that is what his brain is telling all.
He stared up at you from his kneel, eyes wide in fear as blood poured from the wound in his torso. One hit... He was supposed to be a king, protecting his kingdom, and yet he failed them all. He let them all die, and now the flowers beneath him tinted crimson as he joined them. You watched him fade with curious eyes, gripping the knife loosely, like you didn't need it - it didn't matter. Your smile stretched when he blinked blearily, trying to stay awake. But he was so tired... no matter the searing in his chest, all he thought about was sleeping. "Asgore," your hoarse voice echoed in his ears, "what's it like to be a failure?" Failure... Yes, that's what he was. And as his knees slipped and he fell forward, he laid to rest with that title.


Sick of screaming, "Let us in!" The wires got the best of him.
But he knew it was useless. He was powerless against your determined soul and it would only be mere seconds before you destroyed them all. Everything would be gone, the whole world an abyss, just like the one he was constantly trapped in. An endless, soulless abyss, only enlightened to watch you erase everyone from existence. He wished he could stop you, shake you by the shoulders and ask you to wake up, yet, he knew you were already awake. You were aware of everything you were doing, directed by your rage that just happened to be pointing the wrong way. He watched you kneel in front of Chara, head lowering in total obedience. It was too late now.


Bleu (Nice Cream Guy):
Well I could see it in his jaw, that all he ever wanted was a job.
Everybody was running, hiding. They all looked so panicked and others seemed stricken with grief. His ears drooped gloomily as he wheeled his cart along, watching, with downcast eyes, the citizens of Snowdin rush and stumble. Glancing back, he saw a darkened figure, standing just over the horizon, surveying everything from afar. In their hand he thought he saw a knife, and he quickly turned back around, pushing the cart just a little bit faster. He was not willing to die today - and he was lucky you could not find him, for, no matter what, you would've craved to see blood spill from his body. It was just your nature.


BP (Burgerpants):
I can hear it in your voice while you're speaking - you can't be treated.
The crazed look in your eyes as you gripped the counter mercilessly, demanding this and that, it made him uncomfortable. It was not a flicker in your irises he recognized, and it was scary to think he'd never seen it before. Your type of psycho must have been rare - the film dim and cloudy as you seemed indifferent, controlled. But you paid him with a grumble, and he gave you what you wanted in return. If he didn't have the fear that his boss would come roaming back and find him trembling in a corner, he would've done just that. You both remained silent for a minute, staring at each other. He swore, a flash of something else came upon your features. Something less insane, more normal. But it was gone as quick as it came.

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