Just a Little More on the Subject

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I needed to write this for those 30, maybe 40+, people that thanked me. That told me I was a great person. That openly said there needed to be more people like me in the world.

I love you.

Not because of what you sent to me, but because of your strength. Nothing made me happier than the pile of notifications that began stacking up. Why? Because I knew the majority of those comments would be from people who were struggling. And I was elated to know that although they were struggling, they were alive.

At a certain point while reading your ever-flowing "thank you" notes, I broke down sobbing and couldn't help keep my hands from shaking. I can't explain to you how it happened, as I felt no sadness, no pain. But there was an overwhelming feeling that had me break down into something much more vulnerable.

I had, in that second, realized how deep my words had touched.

Some of you left things along the lines of, "Because of you, I think I'll make it." "Because of you, I'll reach out to someone when I'm not feeling right." "Because of you, I have hope."

And it all seems so simple, but in those seconds of reading, there was a wave of emotion. The thought, "Did I just save someone?" ever present. I can't describe to you how I felt, but know there was much more than just a smile or tear. So much more than can be described in words.

And, darlings, some of you may believe I never wrote glaringly on the subject of self-harm or suicide because I had never been through it, or wouldn't know how to approach it. But, I have to admit to you, I could write for the whole of those 20 scenarios without hesitation. Isn't it like I said before? "I know." "I get it."

And I do, on a much more intimate level than you may have thought previously.

I know what runs through your mind when you're struggling. I can describe in words exactly what you're feeling. Because, hey... I know. I get it.

But, I love you. And I thank you. For being right here, right next to me as you're on your journey to live. It takes a lot of courage, a lot of strength, to get where you are now.

Now, stay put. And when you feel like falling over, just remember. I'm always right here to catch you.

Despite what you might think,
You saved me too.

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