Chapter 7: Jk I Punched Him

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Just kidding. I punched him before he kissed me.

"Ow,fuck! Damnit Louise." He holds his stomach that my fist made impact in. I grinned to myself."Sorry Logey bear." I began to walk off from the boy who was holding his stomach.


"Louise, I need your help." Tina says and I turn to look at her. "Yeah?" I reply boredly, noticing her nervousness.

"Jimmy Jr doesn't like Tammy but he doesn't want to break up with her or she'll get pissed off. She's only dating him to make Zeke jealous. So I was thinking maybe I should date Zeke to make Jimmy Jr jealous."

I nod."Go for it,Tina." I cheer her on and smile at her. Her doing the same to me. "Alright! Thanks Louise. I'll do it. So anyways, what's going on with you and Logan Bush?"

I freeze up. Sweat becoming visible."Uhm. So I may have a teeny weeny crush on Logan." I laugh extremely nervously, avoiding eye contact with my older sister.

"I knew it. So why don't you just tell him?"

"He did try to kiss me, but...IMayOrMayNotHavePunchedHim" I admit, the last part really fast to where I hope she doesn't catch on and understand it.

"Louise! You don't punch a guy you like."

"Then what do you do?!" I have had literally no experience with a boy except for Boo boo. But I ended up slapping him in the face anyway.

"You kiss him or write him a note or...something. You just don't commit acts of violence towards him." I pout at the ending part. But I like violence.

"Fine fine. I'll do something else. I won't...hurt him. Psychically." I smile then walk off towards my room. I'm going to write this idiot a note and pass it to him or put it in his stupid locker so so his stupid face can see the stupid note!

I get out a pen and a piece of lined paper. I let my hand move along the paper and create words that flew from my mind.

Dear Idiot,

I like your idiot face. I like your idiot laugh. I like you.

P.S: I'm going to try really hard not to punch you


I folded it up and put 'Idiot' on the folded part.

You Confuse Me (Bobs Burgers. Louise x Logan)Where stories live. Discover now