Chapter two.

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Percy couldn’t meet her eyes. “It’s okay,” he said, almost inaudible.

Annabeth felt her throat closing. She didn’t understand what he meant. “Percy, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I never—”

“Don’t lie to me,” he interrupted. His words dripped with pain. “Annabeth, I need to ask you something very important.”

She looked hard at him, studying his expression. He was trying so hard to keep himself contained. “What is it?”

“Are you happy in this relationship?” He was staring out at the ocean again. Annabeth was sure he would dive in any second and never come back. “I need to know if you want to be with me. I have no doubts in the way I feel about you. All I ask is for you to be honest in return.”

She didn’t reply. She stared into his sea green eyes that hazed over with every silent second. “Percy, what’s really wrong?” He looked so fragile, so destroyed.

“You don’t love me, anymore,” he said. It was a statement. His heart had never been so torn. “That’s what’s wrong.” He started to walk away, but turned back to face Annabeth. “I’ll be around if you change your mind.”

“Percy.” He stopped walking. Her voice was all it took. “Come here.”

He may have been the most powerful demigod in the world, but Percy obeyed Annabeth’s order without hesitation. He stood two feet away from her, then. He didn’t say anything. He waited.

Annabeth took a step forward. They were inches apart. “I love you with every fiber in my being. I defied my mother’s wishes to be with you. I might’ve been jealous when I first met you, and maybe I didn’t always like you, but there is no doubt in my mind that you are the man I will grow old with. I’m in love with you, Percy Jackson.”

His eyebrows furrowed, almost like he was angry. Then his face relaxed, and he closed the small gap between their lips. The kiss was powerful, and Annabeth knew he really had missed her when he was in Olympus. “Let’s go eat breakfast,” he said.

Percy sat alone at breakfast. Of course, it was against the rules for anyone besides his cabin mates to sit with him, but it still seemed odd. He looked miserable. He hadn’t been the same since he’d returned from Olympus, and it was starting to worry Annabeth. They sat across the lunch room from each other, and as her table tried to make simple conversation, her attention never left Percy. As he took the first bite out of his cheeseburger, his face drained of what little color was left.

She bit her tongue, not wanting to cause a scene. There was a gut wrenching feeling that told her to rush to his aid, but she tried her hardest to obey the rules at camp.

“Percy Jackson is kind of cute,” one of the new girls said. That brought Annabeth’s attention back to her table. All eyes darted between the new girl and Annabeth. “…What?” she asked.

“Percy is Annabeth’s boyfriend,” one whispered. “Off limits.”

Annabeth managed a sympathetic smile. If it were her first year at camp, she’d probably have a crush on Percy, as well. He was the demigod hero. He was the Percy Jackson. Although, to Annabeth, he was just Seaweed Brain. “I agree,” she said. “He is kind of cute.” The girls at the table giggled. The boys had tuned them out.

A loud clatter erupted in the cafeteria, and everyone turned to see what it was. Annabeth gasped, and she felt like she was about to throw up.

“Chiron!” someone called. “We need healers, now!”

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