Chapter nine.

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Percy shrugged off the ‘welcome back from enemy lines!’ greetings. He might’ve smiled, but he kept his eyes locked on those piercing blue ones that were only about thirty feet away. When, all of the sudden, a clear path was made, and it was much easier to reach her. Percy didn’t question how it happened, but Annabeth did. She looked almost scared. When he took the final step, right in front of Annabeth, she cowered back a bit. Percy’s entire heart sank.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

She didn’t answer.

“Please,” he begged. His voice was barely above a whisper, the last thing he needed was all of the other campers hearing him weak. He was the leader. He couldn’t be weak. But everyone already knew by then: Annabeth was Percy’s only weakness. “Don’t be afraid of me,” he pleaded.

“I’m not afraid,” she countered, taking a step forward. That comforted Percy a bit. A smile was tugging on his lips. “I’m terrified.

His smile dropped. No. No, no, no. “No,” he whispered. “No, please don’t be scared, wise girl. It’s just me.”

“I know, Percy. And I love you.” She slowly reached up to touch his face. “Your hands are balled into fists. Why?”

His head dropped to look at his hands. “I don’t know.”

“That’s why I’m scared,” she said. “I’m not mad at you anymore. I planned on punching the crap out of you the moment I saw you, but I think you could take me, this time.”

“I don’t want to ever hurt you, again,” he said, ignoring Annabeth’s attempt at a joke.

Annabeth smiled, and she kissed him before he could smile back. A big, amazing, proper kiss.

“Percy,” Sarai squealed from behind him. He pulled away from Annabeth, and sighed. Sarai sounded beyond annoyed.

“Coming,” he grumbled. Then, he turned to Annabeth again. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Seaweed brain.”

And after one last kiss with Annabeth, Percy stumbled down the hill with Sarai. Hopefully they could find a cab to the empire state building with ease.

And they did.

“So, what do you really think my dad and your mom wants to see me for?” Percy asks, shaking his leg to keep from being nervous.

“Do you really want to know?” Sarai asked, shooting him a smile.

“Yeah, I do,” Percy said.

“Okay.” She cleared her throat. “Your father has to talk to you about your emotions, and your strength.”

“And your mom?”

“She wants to talk to you about her daughter,” she replied. She looked almost embarrassed.

“Your mom wants to talk with me about you?”

“It seems like it,” Sarai said. Her voice was quiet. “Or maybe she wants to talk about your wedding.”

Percy choked. “My wedding?

“No, actually,” she said, even more timid, “our wedding.”

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