Chapter eighteen.

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Something about Sam was intriguing. Maybe it was her doe-eyed, innocent look that held a bit of nervousness when she spoke to him. It was…different. Maybe he was just trying to get his mind off of Annabeth, but Sam’s face never left his mind until he saw it at dinner that night. She was avoiding his eyes, and she shifted uncomfortably, and he knew she noticed him watching her. The other girls were shooting her warning looks, and whispering something Percy couldn’t hear from across the room. But Percy also noticed that Annabeth was at the table, looking angry. It wasn’t toward him, just for looking at another girl. It couldn’t have been.

Then he remembered: they had made up. Or had they? Because he had never said he forgave her, only that he loved her. But Annabeth was mad, whether it was about him or not. He had a feeling it wasn’t. And that was bad.

Percy didn’t have an appetite, but he ate until his plate clean. He just sat afterward, wishing his brother wasn’t in the cabin, packing, and with him instead. It was lonely at the Poseidon table. He was lonely. Annabeth wouldn’t meet his eyes, and neither would this…new girl, which he—interestingly enough—cared more about.

He decided he was going to go for a walk, but Chiron approached him before he could leave the building. “Ah, Perseus,” he greeted. “It’s been a while since we had a proper talk, wouldn’t you think?”

“Yes, sir,” Percy replied. He knew very well what was about to happen. Chiron was going to ask him something.

“Let’s walk, then,” Chiron said, waving his hand to showing the way. Percy nodded, looking back just in time to catch Sam’s eyes on him. He almost smiled. They walked down to the beach, walking along to shore.

“I may be old, but I still hear the talk around camp. You and Annabeth have called it quits?” he asked. He sounded disturbed, as if the words were venom on his tongue.  

“Kind of,” Percy said. “Maybe. I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” Chiron asked, confused.

“She hurt me. Damaged me, you know? I’m not sure I’ll ever look at her the same.” Percy paused, thinking back to the lunch room. “I think she thought I had forgotten everything, like it was a clean slate. I think she thought that she could do whatever she pleased, and I wouldn’t hold it against her, simply because she’s Annabeth. But that’s not the case anymore; I think for the first time, I can see my life without her.”

“I see.” Chiron sighed. “And do you like what that life looks like?”

“It’s horrible, but I think I’m strong enough to live that life. If I keep letting her hurt me, I won’t have a life at all,” Percy elaborated.

“Strong, indeed, Perseus. That leads me to what I needed to speak with you about,” Chiron said. Percy knew he was going to ask something of him, so he braced himself. “You are seen as a leader at this camp. For the others, for everyone here, even me. I know you are going through quite the hardship, I know how much Annabeth means to you, but I need you to pick yourself up. You are the glue holding us all together. I’m a teacher, Percy, but you are a leader.”

Percy sighed deeply. “I understand. I’ll do it.”

“I’m sorry to ask this of you, Percy, but I know you’re strong enough to do it,” Chiron said. And then he left Percy with his thoughts.

He sat alone, and after a while, Tyson showed up to say goodbye. Percy didn’t cry like he thought he was going to, because Chiron had gotten through to him. Tyson, on the other hand, cried like a baby, repeating how much he’d miss him. Percy assured him they’d see each other again soon, but it didn’t stop his brother’s tears.

And then, Tyson left. And Percy was alone again. He thought about Annabeth, about how he definitely had to talk to her before moving on without her. He thought about Samantha, about how green her eyes were, and how different she seemed to him; fresh. He thought about Sarai, about how he hadn’t seen her since the return to Camp Half-Blood. He wondered where she was, and why she disappeared. But then he thought about himself, about how weak Annabeth had made him. He was disappointing Chiron; he was disappointing the entire camp.

                When he heard someone else nearby, his head shot up, looking away from his lap for the first time in at least an hour. He smiled immediately. It was her.

But as soon as she noticed him, she turned to go. Percy was shocked for a minute, but sprung to his feet to go after her in seconds. “Hey! Hey, wait,” he called. She stopped, but she didn’t turn around.

Percy walked in front of her so he could see her face. “Hey, do I have some kind of disease that you’re afraid you’ll catch?”

Sam hesitated, but she laughed. “No, not exactly. More of a social disease. I’m seen with you, and my social life dies.”

“Oh?” Percy asked, cocking his eyebrow. “And why is that?”

Apparently, you have this absolutely epic love connection with my half-sister, and somehow, I’m a threat to that.” Samantha rolled her eyes. Percy couldn’t help but notice how cute it was.

“A threat, huh? Wouldn’t I be the judge of that?” He was flirting, and maybe, just maybe, he felt guilty. Even though he knew he shouldn’t have cared.

“No, Annabeth made it fairly clear that she controls your love life,” Sam said, nonchalant.

Percy was taken aback by that. “Well, she was wrong. She doesn’t control anything in my life anymore. And it’s her own doing.”

“Well,” Sam said, “for what it’s worth, you’re cuter than that guy, West. Plus, heroes always beat the bad guy, so I’m sure Annabeth will realize how bad she messed up.”

“Yeah, maybe,” Percy mumbled. He didn’t like the way the conversation changed. “Well, I’ll see you around then, Samantha.”

Don’t call me Samantha. It’s Sam.” She looked annoyed, but still playful.

“Yeah, alright,” he said, smirking in a way that he knew Annabeth used to love. “See ya around, Samantha.” And he walked away before she could protest, but he heard her scoff as he left her behind.

AN: So sorry about the wait! I know I promised an update yesterday, but I had some health issues and I couldn't get my laptop around the moisture in my room! SO here ya go! Remember, I LOVE feedback!!! What do you think of Sam? ;)

Ps: Would anyone be interested in a playlist for this story? I have some songs I love to listen to while writing, just wondering if you'd be interested too! xx

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