Chapter seven.

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Most everything was fuzzy. The punch to his skull must’ve done real damage. So, not only was his hearing gone, he could hardly see. While he was sitting in a dark cave, not sure of anything going on around him, he really felt for Helen Keller. Her life must’ve sucked majorly.

It wasn’t long before he passed out on the hard, wet, cave floor. The dizziness was too hard to keep fighting. He hoped his message had reached Annabeth, because that was his only chance to make it back to his friends. Percy was awake, but he couldn’t open his eyes.

It had probably been hours by the time Percy finally woke up. His eyesight had thankfully returned, and he could see small details through the pitch black. He still couldn’t hear. Percy wondered what horrible noises could be churning in this cold cave, and for the first time he was glad he was deaf.

It didn’t take him long to break out of his prisoner persona. He was, after all, Percy Jackson: son of the sea god. He was planning, and positioning every detail for an escape. When Kronos came to collect Percy’s body—Kronos had called it a vessel—he would fight until he didn’t have any fight left. Hopefully, there was a group of warriors from Camp Half-Blood coming to break him out and defeat Kronos one last time. Hopefully.

Annabeth wasn’t sure if everyone was as determined to find Percy as she was. While they all sulked and felt sorry for themselves, she was tracking Percy.

“Why are you guys moping around like we have days to waste? Percy is gone, and Kronos has him. Bad things are about to happen, and you’re acting like you’ve lost a war we haven’t even begun to fight!” Annabeth yelled.

No one answered for a while. It took a good minute before the leader from the Hermes cabin spoke up. “We’ve been trying to help you, Annabeth, but none of us really think we can save Percy. Basically, Percy was our best solider, and the only hope we would’ve had to find him would be..well, him. We’re screwed.”

“We’re screwed?” Annabeth asked, disgusted. “In case you’ve forgotten, the entire World is at risk here, not just my boyfriend. Find Percy, help save the World. Get it?”

“She’s right,” Clarisse said. “I hate to say it, but she’s right. Percy could be the only thing Kronos needs to destroy the World. You’re in or you’re out, but you need to pick your side, because we’re headed to find him.”

Annabeth felt so much gratitude that she couldn’t help but smile. Clarisse knew how horrible to feel separated from loved ones. Her own boyfriend was driven insane just three years ago, and ever since she had been more sympathetic.

“We’re going to war,” Annabeth announced. “Effective immediately.”

It was dead silent, but Annabeth knew everyone was willing to fight. This camp was made up of warriors, and they’d do anything for one of their own.

It had happened suddenly. One of Kronos’ hunch men came in to give him dinner, and he used riptide to bring him down. It was surprisingly easy, with his newly discovered strength. Now Percy was stumbling through corridors in a dark and eerie cave. He didn’t know if anyone was coming up behind him, making him hate being deaf, again. He had made it all of one hundred yards before his foot caught an uneven stump, sending him flailing to the ground, hitting his head on the cave wall. He groaned, trying with all his might to get back to his feet.

As he attempted to lift himself, his mind wandered to his mom. How long had it been since he’d talked to her? Percy had visited his mom’s New York apartment before Annabeth’s birthday party, before the quest with the gods. That had been, what, a month?

He felt guilty. It was an overwhelming feeling. For some reason, everything he felt was heightened. His reflexes, his emotions, his intelligence, it was all better than it had been before he went to Olympus. What exactly happened while he was up there? Why hadn’t it helped when he was poisoned?

His brain was wracking itself to remember anything out of ordinary. Percy finally managed to regain his feet, when he felt it—a presence right behind him. But not only could he feel it, he heard it. “Going somewhere, son of Poseidon?”

He turned on a dime, staring directly into the eyes of Clarisse. “What are you doing here?”

Then something impossible happened. Clarisse turned into Annabeth. Feature by feature, Clarisse’s face transformed into Annabeth. “I’m here to rescue you. Hera sent me.”

Percy wasn’t sure why, but he stayed calm. “Why? How can I hear again?”

“Hera needs you,” Clarisse/Annabeth said. “As for your hearing—a deaf boy wouldn’t do for what she has in store for you.”

“Oh? And what exactly does she have in store for me?”

“We must get you somewhere safe,” the monster said.

“I’m not going anywhere with you unless you tell me what Hera wants with me,” he retorted. Percy knew a lot better than to trust someone who can morph their self into anyone they wish to be. “And could you stop looking like my girlfriend?”

“I thought the sight Annabeth would comfort you. I apologize,” it said. Then it transformed into what Percy assumed to be it’s true form. It was a woman—a beautiful woman—that looked almost like Hera. “I am Hera’s daughter, Sarai. And she has sent me here to save you. I will tell you the details on our way to Olympus.”

“Why are we going to Olympus?”

Sarai began to walk. “Come along, Perseus. The gods are requesting to see you. I suggest you stop being so difficult.”

Percy wanted to protest, but then he thought of his dad. If no one else knew what was happening to him, his dad should. “Thanks for giving me my hearing back. Let’s go.”

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