Chapter seventeen.

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“So you just forgave her?” Clarisse asked, appalled. “Jackson, that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.”

“I didn’t really forgive her, I just back together with her, I guess,” Percy said. “Besides, would it be that bad if I just let it go?”

Yes!” Clarisse said, exasperated. “If you keep forgiving her, what’s gonna stop her from doing it again?”

“She wouldn’t do that to me, Clarisse. Annabeth loves me, and I know she would never intentionally hurt me.” Percy was sprawled out on the couch. After he had left the infirmary, and went straight back to his cabin, where he found Clarisse again, while Tyson stayed back to visit with Annabeth.

“Jackson, I know that you think Annabeth is your forever, but maybe she’s not.” Clarisse sighed. “I try really hard to hate you, but even I can’t. You have this persona that draws everyone in. You’re brave, smart, you have a great sense of humor, and well, I guess you aren’t ugly.

Percy held back a laugh, and just smiled. “Where are you going with this?”

“You deserve better. You  deserve someone who would never hurt you, and that’s all I’m saying,” Clarisse clarified.

Percy’s smile grew, and he had to put more effort into keeping himself from laughing. “Clarisse, do you…like me?”

“Gross!” she exclaimed, furrowing her brows and scooting away from him. “See, this is why I don’t hang out with you a lot.”

“I’d like to think we’re friends now, La Rue,” Percy said.

“I’d call that delusional, Jackson,” Clarisse retorted.

“You like spending time with me, just admit it. I’m good company.” Percy was smiling, and he felt good for the first time in a long time.

Clarisse rolled her eyes. “You aren’t horrible company. Anyway, come on, lunch is probably waiting for us.”

And it was. As Percy sat by his brother at lunch—Percy mixing his spoon in his bowl, not sure what he was eating, and Tyson slurping it down so fast—he had hardly noticed how many people were gawking at him. Of course, Percy was used to attention. He had been a big deal around camp half-blood, which, not that he was complaining, could get pretty annoying. So, he usually blocked it out.

But when his brother pointed out, “People are staring,” he couldn’t help but wonder what it was about this time.

“Do I have something on my face?” Percy asked Tyson.

“No, don’t think so,” Tyson answered with a full mouth.

Percy cringed, and looked away, locking eyes with a younger girl from Athena’s cabin that he wasn’t familiar with. She had long, brown hair, and her eyes were a shining green. He hadn’t thought about other girls’ looks much since he met Annabeth, but there was something about this girl that made her beautiful. She looked around fifteen, three years younger than Percy, and he wondered if she’d just found out about her demigod status. Her eyes shifted from his, and a red color erupted onto her cheeks. Percy furrowed his eye brows, and moved on to someone else. This time his eyes met Clarisse’s, and she sent him a warning with her eyes. That confused him even more.

He was innocently glancing around the table when his eyes landed on a guy. A familiar guy, really, because Percy had seen him twice before. Percy didn’t analyze his appearance too much, because he was busy trying to stay calm. He didn’t like that guy, not at all. The guy—Annabeth had called him West—was strolling through the building like he owned the place. Percy was grateful that Annabeth would be eating her lunch in the infirmary, because if this West kid tried to even look at her, all Hell would’ve broken loose.  He assumed that’s why everyone was watching him so carefully—to be prepared.

“Not worth it,” Tyson reassured him. Percy’s eyes left blonde guy and he nodded at his brother.

“So, how long are you staying here?” Percy asked him.

“Leaving tomorrow, daddy needs me back,” Tyson answered. “I miss you a lot when I’m gone, brother.”

“Yeah, I miss you too, buddy,” Percy said.

Percy found that girl after he finished his lunch, and he approached her carefully. As soon as he stepped in front of her, her eyes widened and she gasped.

“You scared me,” she told him, holding her hand over her chest. When he didn’t respond, she smiled. “It’s Percy, right? I’m Samantha, but you can call me Sam. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

She held a certain spark that intrigued Percy, but he remembered that he was looking for answers, and he snapped out of it. “Alright, Sam, I need to ask you something.”

“And what’s that?” she asked with a smile.

Percy hesitated. Maybe she didn’t know anything, maybe she just always looked too innocent. “Has Annabeth been hanging out with that guy—West?” he asked. The name felt like poison on his tongue.

“Um,” Samantha paused, “no. Not really, at least, since you found out two days ago.”

“It’s been four days,” Percy said, feeling a bit skeptical of his girlfriend.

“Oh, well I must’ve mixed the dates up!” she exclaimed.

“No, you didn’t,” Percy persisted. “Now, tell me the truth.

“Well, earlier today, I saw her talking to him when I went to visit her in the infirmary. I think he visited, and so I don’t think you should blame her, but—”

“Tell her to stay away from him, or to stay away from me. Because she can’t have both.”

And Clarisse’s words echoed in his mind, “If you keep forgiving her, what’s gonna stop her from doing it again?”

And before Sam could respond, he was gone.

AN: So what does everyone think of Sam? :) Also, I'm sick, so I couldn't write too much. But I hope you enjoy this chapter! :) Love getting your feedback, keep it coming xx

Fatally Flawed - Percabeth (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora