Chapter thirteen.

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Percy never thought that it would happen, but he was thankful for Clarisse. He really was. She didn’t ask if he was okay (because obviously he wasn’t) and she didn’t push too far into how bad he was feeling. And best of all, she didn’t look at him like he was a ticking bomb. 

“Percy.” His head snapped up, and his entire body tensed. It was hard to even look at her but he managed it.

“Go away,” he said. His voice cracked and he cursed himself. Way to look even more pathetic.

“Percy, please, I know—”

“He said go,” Clarisse butt-in.

Annabeth looked at her incredulously. “Since when does he hang out with you?”

“Since I found him lying on the ground near the Big House, screaming, and crying his eyes out,” Clarisse snapped. “Wonder what that was about?”

Annabeth opened her mouth to speak, but Percy beat her to it. “I don’t wanna do this right now, Annabeth.”

And that was all it took. She looked at Percy long and hard with sadness, and Percy could’ve sworn he saw tears, and then she left.

“I feel like Hades ripped my heart out of my chest,” he mumbled, snuggling himself back into the couch. “Better yet, I feel like Annabeth did.”

Clarisse tried to give him a reassuring smile but it was a sad attempt, really. “I’m sorry, Jackson. I know that she’s your weak spot, and—”

“She’s my what?” Percy interrupted.

“Annabeth is your weak spot, Jackson. She’s your Achilles heel.”

Percy got really quiet for a minute, and then he nodded. “She could destroy me, you know, just by saying one little sentence.”

“What sentence would that be?” Clarisse asked.

“All she would have to say is, ‘I don’t love you anymore,’ and that would be it for me. I don’t think I would ever be happy again.” Percy thought really hard about the first time he said he loved her, and his heart clenched even more. “She’s done this before, Clarisse.”


“When I was fighting up on Mount Olympus with the gods, trying so hard to save the camp, I saw her in a dream. She was kissing that guy that I saw her with today. I never pressed on the subject. I thought it was all the past, I should just move on from it, and be happy. But it meant more this time, because I was going to…never mind.” Percy was broken. He didn’t even like the thought of living anymore; it seemed to take too much energy.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Clarisse almost shouted. “She cheated on you?”

Percy nodded. Cheated was such a harsh word. Wasn’t there something else they could call it?

“Percy, I’m so sorry,” she said, a lot quieter.

“Why does it hurt this much?” He was looking around the cabin. He missed his brother, and he wished more than anything Tyson was there to give him a big hug and keep Annabeth as far away from Percy as possible. “I’ve held the weight of the world on my shoulders, but even that doesn’t measure up to how bad this hurts.”

“Because, Percy, she’s your fatal flaw. Like I said, your Achilles heel.” Clarisse sighed.

“I should go chase after her,” Percy said, suddenly determined. “I should go do what I planned to do when I….when I went to her cabin earlier.”

“And what’s that, Jackson?” she asked. It was the first time she asked him something he wasn’t ready to answer, so he did it anyway.

“I was gonna propose to her.”

Several minutes of silence passed, and Percy was sitting up straight, looking at Clarisse for a response. Her mouth was hanging open, and she was breathing off rhythm.

“You were gonna ask her to marry you, and then you saw….” She never finished that sentence, because she left Percy’s cabin in a hurry. He wondered if she was thinking he was crazy. Probably.

And he didn’t go to find Annabeth. He didn’t know the demigod she was kissing—after seeing him in the vision while he was on Mount Olympus, he chose to steer clear of that guy. It worked, too, until then. Percy wasn’t steaming mad, he just felt as if he was slowly dying. Maybe he was. Then, he remembered. His emotions have been magnified for some time. He hadn’t exactly noticed because he’d been angry a lot, so he’d figured it was something to do with his anger. But it was all emotions.

Percy’s heartbreak was killing him. He was sure of it. Although, he didn’t seem fit to even go see the infirmary, because they couldn’t do anything.

Grover. He was going to go find his best friend.

(So, I'm leaving for a Selena Gomez concert tomorrow [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] and I'll be busy all weekend. I probably won't update until Tuesday, so I'm not gonna leave you with a huge cliffhanger. Love you guys, have a blessed weekend!)

(p.s. please review, and recommend to your friends. almost 1,000 reads!)

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