Chapter eight.

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Percy was glad to hear the little drops of water hitting the cave floor. He was appreciating the noise of hearing himself breathing. He tried as hard as he could to block out Sarai’s constant chatter, but sometimes she just wouldn’t stop talking until he acknowledge what she was saying.

Sarai had seemed nervous. She was blushing a lot, almost giving off the impression that she liked Percy, which creeped him out.

“Is Annabeth alright?” he asked, cutting Sarai’s sentence in half.

She looked annoyed at first, but then she smiled. “She’s absolutely fine.”

“I want to see her.” Percy found himself staring at his feet as he spoke. 

“Ah, yes,” Sarai said. “But does she want to see you?

His head shot up, concern plastered on his face.

“Don’t look so surprised, Percy. We’ve all heard about your little fight. You are aware that her hand is in a cast, aren’t you?”

Percy was mad. Mad at himself, and mad at Sarai for bringing it up. He didn’t think he had done that much damage to Annabeth’s hand. His face was red from anger. His clenched his jaw and his hands made fists as he tried to contain himself. It was a lot harder than it sounded, like his emotions wanted to consume him. “She’ll want to see me,” he grumbled.

Sarai glanced at Percy, and her eyes scanned his posture, sighing. “This leads me to tell you why we’re heading to Olympus, and why my mother wishes to see you.”

Percy didn’t form a word response, he simply murmured a sound.

“Your anger has been causing quite the talk in the demi-god world, Percy,” she said. “Hera and Poseidon both seem to think you need to have a talk with them. I agree. Your rage is frightening even me.”

Percy’s face softened. His fists stretched out. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright,” she whispered. A faint smile grew on her angelic face. Although, Percy wasn’t necessarily attentive to her looks. Percy only had eyes for Annabeth. That’s how he would be for the rest of his life; totally unaware of other women’s beauty, and solely focused on the girl he loved. “I’ve never seen a demigod as powerful as you, Perseus. Your strength is just another factor that makes you different from the others. You will never quite fit in on earth, and that’s something our parents are to discuss with you.”

Percy wasn’t sure what she meant, but as a clearing from the cave in sight, he didn’t particularly care. “So, camp half-blood first,” he announced. “Then, I’ll follow you to Olympus.”

Sarai huffed, obviously displeased. “You are so difficult.”

“It’s part of my charm,” he said, cracking a grin.

Sarai looked at him carefully, “Yes. I agree.”

Percy’s face reddened once more, but not because he was mad. He was embarrassed. When girls looked at him like that, he felt guilty. No, he was doing nothing wrong, but if Annabeth was there, she would never allow a girl to stare at him in that way.

Percy squinted his eyes after leaving the darkness of the cave. It was ridiculously bright after at least two days in the dark. “So, where are we?”

“Exactly where you asked to be, Percy. Camp half-blood is a mere mile away.” She was smiling, walking at a fast pace, leaving him in the dust.

“How’s that?” he asked.

“You haven’t been as far as from home as you’d think,” she explained. “By the way, Kronos is probably right on our trail. Better get a move on, son of Poseidon.”

His heart rate quickened. “Maybe we shouldn’t visit camp, then. Maybe we should head straight to Olympus.”

“Nonsense. Make your visit quick, and we can still make it before he catches up. Hera has put a curse on the cave, slowing down time once we exited. Don’t be so silly, of course we’ve planned everything out.”

That calmed his nerves down a bit, but there was still a gnawing at his stomach. It wasn’t until they were at the boundaries of camp that he knew what it was.

A group of soldiers were just about to the end of the force field when they noticed him. Percy heard gasps and whispers, but his eyes searched frantically until he met the pair he was seeking. Annabeth’s face was pure shock, and Percy’s stomach ached more. He noticed the cast on her hand, but a sword was held firm in her other.

He didn’t know what to say, and soon he was engulfed in a sea of fellow campers, hugging him and welcoming him back. Everyone appeared to be happy to see him. Everyone but Annabeth.

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