Chapter twenty-one.

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Annabeth was right. A week after Sam’s little talk with Annabeth, Sam was escorted off of the premises, and Percy was back in the infirmary. It seemed that no matter what, one of them ended up in the infirmary. Annabeth’s scars had healed as well as they would ever heal. They were certainly noticeable, but she was strong. She could handle the stares she got, or the questions she got about the red marks on her face. She was told that eventually they wouldn’t be so irritated and that they’d turn pink. Annabeth hoped that was true.

She stood outside of the infirmary, her stomach churning. She hadn’t seen him since he’d broken up with her, and she wasn’t prepared for what would happen when she sees what he looks like. All she knew was that Samantha attacked him. She didn’t get details, which was probably for the best, so she wasn’t sure what to expect.

“Are you coming?” Trent asked. “Sarai and Clarisse will be out shortly, and then you can go in.” It was obvious that Trent wasn’t exactly fond of Annabeth. Percy had been evidently spending more time with him, and they’d gotten considerably close.

She nodded. As the healer turned to go, Annabeth called after him. “You know, I never wanted to hurt Percy. I was scared, and I thought, wouldn’t it be easier to love someone who wasn’t so dangerous? So, I was dumb. I let my fear scare me into hurting the only guy I’ve ever really cared about. I feel horrible, Trent. Don’t you see that?”

He paused his walk, but didn’t turn around. “What I see is that he wouldn’t be lying in this bed, hurt, if it wasn’t for you. He never would’ve gotten himself involved with another girl, and she couldn’t have hurt him. That’s what I see, Annabeth.” And he walked away, leaving her with another crashing wave of guilt.

Sarai came out of the room crying, and Clarisse was hugging her.

“Is he okay?” Annabeth asked, frantic with worried.

“He’s fine,” Clarisse snapped. “He’s asking to see you, by the way. Go ahead, go kick him while he’s down.”

Annabeth didn’t defend herself. She deserved to be ridiculed, or whatever, but it’d been so long since she did it, and Percy had obviously been spending time with another girl, so why did they have to keep digging at her?

She didn’t reply before shyly walking behind the curtain of Percy’s room. His eyes were closed, but as soon as she cleared her throat, they shot open. They looked panicked for a few seconds before he realized where he was, and his eyes settled on Annabeth’s.

“Hi,” she barely whispered.

“Hey,” he said. “You look really pretty.”

Her mouth hung open, and Percy’s eyes widened slightly.

“Sorry,” he apologized. “They’ve got me on this medicine that’s kind of fuzzing up my head. I never know when not to talk.” Percy managed a light laugh.

Annabeth smiled, and looked him over. He didn’t look so bad on the outside, but she only wondered what damage lied underneath. “That’s alright, Percy. I don’t mind.”

It was awkward silence for a few minutes, both of their minds racing to find anything to say.

“I heard you were asking to see me,” Annabeth breathed out, finally. “Why?”

“Oh, sorry about that,” he apologized—again. “I was having a nightmare, sometimes that happens.”

“You say my name during nightmares?” she asked softly.

“Most of them involve you,” Percy admitted.

“Oh” was all Annabeth could manage out.

“I’m not that bad off, by the way. I just had to have my cut stitched up, and—”

“Cut?” Annabeth asked.

“She stabbed me.” Percy seemed calm about it.

“Why?” she asked, trying not to go all protective-mother on him.

“She tried to kiss me,” he said, a lot quieter. “I was trying not to hurt her feelings, so I told her I wasn’t ready to be with someone else, and I don’t know, somehow she got riptide from my pocket, and she stabbed me with my own sword.”

Annabeth gasped, appalled.

“Luckily, she’s not as strong as me, and I stopped her arm before it plunged into any of my organs or anything.” Percy laughed dryly.

“I love you,” Annabeth blurted out before she could stop herself. “I mean, I just, I just wanted to say that since you know, you could’ve died, and I would’ve—”

“I love you, too,” he said. Percy smiled, but his eyes drooped, and she knew he was about to pass out. “I still do.”

AN: Hey! You guys all really wanted an update, so here ya go! I'm sorry it's not as long as usual. I'M WRITING A NEW STORY! It's about Harry Styles from One Direction, so I'm not sure how many of you would enjoy it, but PLEASE HIT IT UP if you're into them! :) As always, love you guys xx

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