Chapter six.

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Percy tried to keep his composure. If everyone else saw him freaking out, the more likely they’d be to freak out. Annabeth was still crying, which made it even harder on him. Seeing her upset felt like someone stabbing him in the gut over and over again.

“We’ll get through this,” he said. He assumed it wasn’t loud enough for Annabeth to hear over the sound of her own sobbing. “We’ll be okay.”

After ten more minutes, Annabeth just collapsed into Percy’s side, feeling helpless and seeking shelter. Percy engulfed her in a big hug, and they stayed that way as everyone sat in silence—well, Percy thought it was silence at least—until the sun rose. When the sun peaked through the window, everyone seemed to stop moping. They got up, and went into a room. Percy was told to stay there, and wait. His brain was already frazzled from reading lips. Being deaf sucked, and that was for sure. As he sat there, not even hearing the creak of hardwood, he wondered if his hearing would ever return. He wondered if Annabeth could learn sign language, and if they would have to say their vows in a language no one else really knew. Would Annabeth even marry a deaf man? Percy started to lose his cool.

He hadn’t noticed Chiron walk in until he was patting his back. He turned the look at the centaur, preparing for another headache of reading lips.

Go to you cabin, he mouthed. Get some rest. We will take care of things.

“Can Annabeth come with me?” Percy asked. All he needed was Annabeth, and he knew things would be okay.

She’s needed here, Percy. Regardless, you know the rules.

Percy got angry, and he wasn’t sure why he was so mad, but he slammed his fist into the chair beside him. Once his hand made contact, the chair fell to wooden chunks on the floor. He didn’t understand what had happened, but he knew it wasn’t good. “Sorry,” he mumbled, not sure if Chiron heard or not.

Percy began to stomp out, partially embarrassed and partially furious. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he jerked away, swatting at the hand. He felt the floor vibrate, and he turned around to see Annabeth on the floor, cowering away from him. His face fell, and his heart went with it. Annabeth clutched her hand, and she looked in pain. “Annabeth?” he asked. Percy was sure she could hear him, but she didn’t even look at him. “I-I’m sorry.” He looked around at all of his friends’ shocked faces, and he couldn’t take it. Percy turned on his heels and stormed out of the Big House. He headed for his cabin, feeling like Hades.

I hurt Annabeth. I hurt the only person who cares about me. His brain flooded with painful thoughts.

His wanted to cry, but he wasn’t sure if looking poor and defenseless would be a good idea, considering Kronos could be anywhere. A thought hit Percy and made him stop on a dime. He couldn’t hear anyone approaching, but he felt a presence nearby. With all the chaos concerning Percy’s health, who had been watching Jason? The thought hit almost as hard as the fist that collided into his skull did. Percy’s thought escaped his lips in a painful shudder, “How did you get out, Jason?”  He turned he see his face, barely seeing his lips as everything blurred around him.

Call me Kronos, Jason’s face twisted menacingly. Percy had no time to react before the fist made contact again, knocking him out and sending him crashing to the ground.

Annabeth was worried. Her hand was in a cast, a chair was busted to pieces, and Percy was nowhere to be found. She cursed herself for pushing him away as he apologized, because maybe—just maybe—if she hadn’t ignored him, he wouldn’t have stormed out, and he would’ve been safe right next to her.

Although, she planned on punching him square in the jaw when they found him—with the hand that he hadn’t broken, that is. Something was wrong, and she could feel it. Percy would never hurt her intentionally, and she knew that for a fact. Annabeth’s heart lurched, and she could’ve sworn she heard Percy’s voice. Then she heard it again, repeating the same thing, making Annabeth collapse with fear.

I’m with Kronos. Check the cellar, Jason escaped. It’s not Jason that he wants, Wise Girl. He wants me.

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