Chapter nineteen.

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Annabeth hurt. Like, physically. She knew it was her own fault. But that didn't stop the hurt in her hollow chest when she saw how he looked at her. She'd never seen Percy so infatuated with another girl-sure, he and Rachel had a short lived "fling," but this was different. Annabeth had caused this. And it was eating away at her.

Samantha. Of course, she would have a pretty name, to fit her pretty face.

Bitter, that's exactly what she was. And she didn't like this at all. She was horrible for what she did to Percy, but this felt worse for him to flirt right in front of her. She had sat, farther back behind a tree, and neither of them had been able to see her from the beach.

What she heard Percy say had struck her heart, like a knife, and it twisted. He sounded as if Annabeth was a jealous ex-girlfriend. Then, she realized, Isn't that exactly what I am? She sobered a bit, and bit back the tears. No, Percy would've told me exactly what he was thinking. If he wanted to end our relationship, he'd have told me....Right?

Right. Annabeth knew him better than that. He wasn't petty, and he wasn't one for self-pity. He was brave, strong, handsome, and kind. Oh, how kind he was.

And that's what triggered it in her mind. He wouldn't do this to Annabeth. Never would he knowingly hurt her. So, that was her plan. To let him know.

She briskly walked in the direction he had went, and after nearly five minutes, she had caught up with him. "Percy," she said. It was quiet, and if it were to anyone else, she was sure they wouldn't have heard. But Percy was always attentive, especially to her voice.

His body stiffened, like he was bracing for impact. Annabeth frowned.

"Yes," he said, turning to face her, "Annabeth?"

"Please," she breathed out, trying not to cry. "Please, let me in. Stop putting up a wall, and talk to me, Percy. Because whatever that is, with that girl, I want you to know that it hurts."

His eyes immediately hardened. "Hurt? You mean, after all you've put me through, you're complaining that I'm hurting you?" he snapped. Annabeth flinched at his words, but she could never be afraid of him. She was only afraid of the power he had over her.

"If you wish to end our relationship, end it, Percy. And I mean it. I was horrible to you, and I know that, and I take full responsibility. But I won't let you take revenge on me for it. That's not what we are, Percy. We're Annabeth and Percy, we were meant for eternity," she reconciled. It hurt her to say the words, but they needed to be said.

"Maybe that's the thing, Annabeth," he said, his voice sounding almost like gravel.

No, she thought. He's about to say it. He's about to hurt himself by it, too.

he said, "we aren't Annabeth and Percy, anymore. Maybe it's time I put Percy first. I think it's time I let myself let you go."

"Okay," she whimpered. It was pathetic, and she hated how weak he had just made her. But she also appreciated that he was honest, and that he broke her heart before it could be shredded instead. "Thank you."

Percy's eyes were glazed over, but only Annabeth cried. Percy wondered if this was the last time he'd see her looking so delicate and fragile. And it made his heart ache. Because this was the Annabeth he loved; the one that could carry herself in situations, and not curse him out for something they both knew had been coming for a while. He thought about how beautiful the red on her cheeks made her, and how elegant the tears streaming down her face looked. She was staring into his eyes, piercing his heart with every blink of those eyelids.

And then Percy thought of how terribly damaged they were. He remembered being in Tartarus with her, and literally making it to hell and back. He choked back a sob when he remembered the pain of it all, and how the thought of being with Annabeth forever had gotten him through so much.

But then, Annabeth smiled. "I'll always love you, Seaweed Brain. Even if you stop loving me."

Percy felt as if a gun had shot clear through his heart, and he was bleeding to death. But he wasn't. He was fine.

"Oh, Annabeth," he whispered, "that will never happen."

And that's how they left things. They didn't say a word more, they just walked away, each crying.

Annabeth lied alone in the cabin, sobbing occasionally, smiling ever so often. She was sprawled out on her bed, and she was listening to beautiful, heart breaking music. The lyrics portrayed exactly what Annabeth felt, and she'd be blown away with every song she heard.

"Maybe we got lost in translation,

Maybe I asked for too much,

Maybe this thing was a masterpiece before you tore it all up,

Running scared,

I was there,

I remember it all too well,

And you call me up again,

Just to break me like a promise,

So casually cruel,

In the name of being honest,

I'm a crumbled up piece of paper lying here,

Cause I remember it all too well"

Annabeth ripped her headphones out. It wasn't helping, although it was definitely letting her sulk, and she heard the door open.

She cringed, seeing the cute, younger girl bounce in. When her eyes met Annabeth's she furrowed her eyebrows for a minute, before dodging to the other side of the cabin.

Annabeth looked like a wreck, no wonder she stared. But Annabeth couldn't help but to hate this girl. Maybe it was Percy giving her attention, but maybe, it was more than that.

Maybe, it was the way she had had her eyes on Percy since the moment she arrived at camp all those weeks ago. Maybe, it was because she didn't like the way she looked at Percy, or the way she smiled at him. Because they weren't the way Annabeth looked at him, or smiled at him, it was the way a predator looked at their prey.

As a meal.

AN: PLEASE, review! I didnt get so many last time, and thats what motivates me to post! I need your comments! As always, thank you for reading. :)

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