Failed Math? 0-0 A Terrifying Experience

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This is the time in sixth grade we were getting our math tests back. I was pretty confident I would get a 100% as always when my teacher announced, that there was two students who didn't pass and they would need to retake it. I started to be pessimistic and started to think that I was one of the students and started to panic in the mean time.
When I got my test I inhaled and exhaled and flipped over my test. I got a 68% that is what I get for being pessimistic, then at the perfect time (Can't say any names, but making one up) Jake came over and asked what my score was. I told him then he crawls over to another guy, Tom and tells him when he comes over and tells me it's okay and starts to pat me on the back.
I suddenly felt even worse after that, I broke down I started to sob. I couldn't control it, it was just something I wanted to let it go no pun intended. I felt really sad and devastated, I retook the test and got a 80% after oh goodie a B+.
B+? B+, Again? (Chonny Reference: B+, B+ Again)?
Imagine this to help you see how I felt.
Imagine you were a straight A+ student and one time you forgot to study and when you got your test back you would think you would get a 100%. But no you got a 99%, by that point your parents would kill you because of that 1% being wrong or just a silly mistake in adding. You will start to cry your eyeballs out, yep that would be me, except for that the parents will kill you part. I might have been overboard with that.
But thanks for reading!

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