When I Woke Up I Was Crying?

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I'm not sure why but this is just depressing please anyone tell me why I was crying after I was sleeping. Here is the terrible dream I had, in that dream I was crying too. :
Since my mom was sick I decided to make her ramen, I got the ramen package out and apparently i had a butler and I asked him can you make hot water please. He just said no, I was then like what if I burn myself on the stove, and then HoodedMaiden pulled me back from the stove and yelled out no. Then I asked him again, then he said no, I was thinking like wtf man? I decided to make the water myself when HoodedMaiden budged in and started to make the ramen spicy, and add random stuff to it, that was when I started to cry. I shouted it's tooo spicy!! I kept on yelling that and HoodedMaiden wouldn't stop.
That was when the dream stopped and I woke up to only find myself in tears and whining on my bed.
Why did this happen? Thanks for caring about me. I think.

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