What Was It Pronounced Engrish? x-x

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So when I got my house, I didn't know English, my mom and dad spoke to me in Vietnamese, never English because they barely know it themselves. So how are they going to teach me when they don't even know either? 

So that's when I got into Kindergarden, my teacher was Ms.Harrigan a very nice teacher. I miss her very much, she works at Coolidge but I do not know if she still works there. So when the teacher came to greet me all I could do was say hello, goodbye, yes, or no. Nothing else!

So when Ms.Harrigan began to notice she signed me up for ESL. I still don't know what ESL means...

I learned English everyday at 1:00pm, with my teacher, I don't remember her name. STUPID BRAIN FARTS! I played games on the computer to learn English. It was hard to learn English but I got the hang of it.

I have stayed in ESL for two years, Kindergarden to First Grade. I actually was good at speaking to people, amazing! I still can't pronounce stuff properly but I still got it! 

Thanks Everyone For Being With In My Journey! <3

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