Chapter 124

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Now it's Gus's turn to be in the crosshairs. His voice shows it. It breaks as he talks.

"Who's there?" Gus says into the darkness. "I've got a gun."

"So do I," the voice says. "I'm behind you."

I keep inching myself toward the front door. This is no place to be caught unarmed.

Red's face looks like he just shit his pants. Twice.

Sam stays put. Squeezes the Anaconda tight. Looks amused by what's happening. Tiny smile peeks out of the corner of her mouth.

"My name is FBI Special Agent Beth Haen. I'm one of the agents you talked to from before," Beth says. Her voice is full, solid. Someone here to take control. Still out of view, though.

"Oh, so you're here to give me my money," Gus says. Sounds like every bumpkin prairie dog ever.

I watch Sam's eyes dart between Gus and Red.

"No. I'm here to give you two choices, Gus," Beth says from the dark. "You can leave now. Or I can shoot you dead right here. It's up to you."

"That's the second time tonight I've had someone threaten me with a gun," Gus says. "Didn't work out so well for the first one."

"You didn't hurt Mary did you?" Red says. Looks around the room.

"She didn't give me a choice. Cracked a shot off as soon as I pulled up. So I shot back. Hit her pretty good. She ran off. Might be outside. Might be inside. No idea where she ended up," Gus says. "Now what about my money?"

Red's rage shoots tremors across his body. Can't say I feel the same way. Not after what he told me.

I hear Gus shuffle toward a wall. A hand scratches at it for a light switch.

"Stop what you're doing," Beth says.

A red laser sight cuts across the living room. It connects Beth's position to Gus's sterum. Casts two crimson shadows over the dark room.

"What about my money?" Gus says again.

"Hey, Red. You want me to shoot this Gus guy or what?" Sam says with a smile. She's enjoying every second of this train wreck. Turns to me. "Or maybe I shoot Red? What do you think?"

"Everyone just stop. Now," Beth says. "No talking. No moving. No one gets hurt."

Gus's fingernails claw at the wall. It's no use. The light switch for the living room is in the kitchen. Chalk it up to the mysterious art of prairie wiring. It's closer to Red than to Gus.

Red's breathing gets labored. Panicked. His hands twitch. Face contorts.

"Gus. Stop. Moving," Beth says again.

"Just a minute," Gus says.

Red can't help himself. He darts his hand to the light switch. Flicks it on.

The switch may as well have been attached to Beth's pistol. Both it and the light fill the living room at the same time.


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