Chapter 12

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"Do you think we can trust them with our secret?"

I stared at them in stunned silence with my mouth hanging open. Are they really going to let me tell my friends?

Jazz got a concerned look and waved his hand in front of my face. "Ya all right there, lil' lady?" I blinked and snapped back to reality, snapping my mouth closed with a click of my teeth.

"Sorry, it just sounded like you were asking if you could trust my friends with your secret." Please be true. Please be true.

Jazz shrugged, "That 'bout sums it up."

"Okay, just wanted to make sure," a huge grin broke out on my face and grew till my cheeks hurt. "You guys can most definitely trust them. I know for a fact that they won't tell anyone."

"That is all we needed to know. I will comm Optimus and tell him. Go to bed, I will stay out here for a little longer. Please tell the others I will be back in a few minutes." Elita said with a smile. "Goodnight, Lily."

"Night," I smiled back and headed to my cabin. I passed the 'bots alt-modes and gave a weak wave along with a goodnight. The mechs flashed their headlights in a silent goodnight. The femmes didn't do anything, most likely because I would see them inside my cabin. Inside the cabin, I did as I was told before groaning and falling onto my bed for the week. (Every cabin had bunks and I was stuck with the bottom while Thistle took the top.) I stayed awake for a bit and listened to the others slowly drift off to sleep. I soon followed into them la-la land, thinking of how I was going to tell Skater and Slim Shady about the Autobots.

As I drifted off, my mind thought back to the conversation I had the day before with Bliss and Thistle.

I... I think I might like the Terror Twins more than just friends...

The next day, I was restless. Apparently after Elita contacted Optimus, he put out on the public comms that I would be telling Slim Jim and Skater about them. Now I just need to figure out a good time and place to tell them... Hhhmmm... This'll be interesting.

I glanced up from my breakfast and looked across the table to my non-related brothers. I wonder how they're going to take it? I sure hope not too bad.

How am I even going to tell them? I can't just go "Oh hey, I got abducted by aliens and now they're my best friends and I might have a thing or two for them"... Ya, so not happenin'.

"Hello? Earth to Lily? You in there or did aliens come body snatch you?" Slim Shady waved a hand in front of my face. Coming back to reality, I could hear Sunstreaker and Sideswipe snort. I blinked a few times and let what he said sink in. Once it did, I couldn't help but also snort.

"Ya, something like that." I got weird looks from them both. I waved a hand at them, "Inside joke. I'll explain later if I remember." Ha! As if I would forget to tell them about my higher-than-top-secret alien buddies. "Oh, Sunny!" I turned to look at him from where he was on my right. "I forgot to ask yesterday. How's your team?"

Sunstreaker immediately scowled. "Disgusting femme humans wanted to do nothing but touch me." He turned and glared at a girl a few tables over who was wearing a pink lanyard (each team got a lanyard with their color on it. Example: Since I was on red team, I got a red lanyard). As if the girl knew he was looking at her, the girl turned and waved as soon as she saw Sunstreaker. Sunstreaker growled at her.

"Lemme guess, she got a little to 'friendly' for your liking?" I asked while poking at my now soggy-with-syrup pancakes. Sunstreaker only crossed his arms and slouched in his seat. Before I could say something else, Sunstreaker reached over me and slapped Sideswipe across the back of the head (kinda like the Gibb's slap). I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Sideswipe just said something stupid to Sunstreaker over their twin bond.

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