Chapter 3: The Encounter

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Date: (still) September 29th, 2015

Jayden's P.O.V

*Time lapse*

On our 10 minute drive to the school, we stopped by a gas's station to get coffee. It was freshly brewed so it was a little (ALOT) hot. I couldn't drink it on the drive, so I took it inside with me. We walked inside this huge building .

Jayden: "Mom, are you sure we didn't get directions to a castle instead of a school?"

*I smirked*

Pearla: "No this is it, your new school."

Principle Matsui: "Welcome! You must be Jayden Cortez, and this must be Loving mother Mrs. Pearl Cortez.

Pearla: "PFF, oh I stopped being Mrs. Cortez 10 years ago."

*they laughed*

This was true, my dad had left us for another women, so it was just my mom and I. My mom was always so joyful, so full of life, but I knew deep down, she was still hurt.... Even after 10 years

Principle Matsui: " Follow me to my office. This way."

We walked Into his office.

Principle Matsui: " Here, at this school, we have something called the "Buddy system" to help new coming students such as Ms. Jayden. This system consists of the New student being partnered up and following around an already enrolled student whom is familiar with the school and has a similar schedule to Jayden's future schedule."

Pearla: "well, I find this very helpful!"

Principle Matsui: "And it is! The only thing is , is that we are short on females with a similar schedule as Jayden's so sh will have to follow around a boy, with the exception of physical education of course."

Pearla: "Oh..... Okay"

Principle Matsui: "Jayden, if you want, you're more than welcomed to walk around and explore the school."

Pearla: "Go on honey, while Mr. Matsui and I talk about this."

Jayden: "mmmm, do I have to?"

Principle Matsui: " I think its best if you do."

Pearla: "Well go on! Get used to it because in a few days, you'll be going here."

Jayden: *sighs* "Alright"

I grabbed my coffee and walked out of the office and into the hallway. I was observing the wall of fame when the bell rung. The halls quickly crowded with people my age, but I seemed to be a little shorter than most of them. I tried to get through people without spilling my coffee.

Random girl: "Hey, its the New Girl! Nice hair!"

I turned around to thank her but when I turned back, I had an encounter with someone who would change my life without me even realizing it!

I turned back around after thanking that girl, only to do one of the dumbest things in my life. I bumped into a guy and spilled my coffee on him.

The guy: " Aghh! "

Jayden: "Oh my gawd! I'm so sorry! Ughhh... I'm such a cluts!"

I looked up, only to see a breath taking view. Lime green and black hair, a sharp jawline, and those pretty green eyes that took me into a whole new demension. I was paralized! The surrounding world seemed to be in blank and I felt my heart skip a beat.

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