Chapter 11: Her.

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Date: (still) October 1st, 2015

Justin's P.O.V.

We went to sit down at the table Mrs. Berkley told us and I distractingly opened my sketch pad upside down. I immediately closed it because I didn't want Jayden to see it. I had drawn her silhouette in the back of my sketch pad. I REALLY hope she didn't see it because that would be creepy. Who draws someone else's face in the back of their sketch pad?!!?!? Me.... That's who.... Justin Drew Blake.  I can't believe she's my buddy. Out of the millions of people that live in Minnesota she's mine!... Or at least my buddy. I really wanted to screech my lungs out and jump up and down when I saw her in the counselors office, but I had to keep my "cool"... Or at least, knowing me, keep it normal xD. I wanted to get to know her and flood her with questions, but it WAS her first day, so I had to hold it in.

Jayden: "ummm... Justin?"

Justin: "YESS! .... Uhhh... I mean...
*erm erm* Yes?"

Jayden: *giggles* "Can I borrow your H pencil?" She asked shyly

Justin: "Oh , yeah, please! Help yourself!" I smiled awkwardly

Jayden: *giggles* "Thanx" she whispers

Her giggle, her soft, gentle voice, her laugh, her manners... UGGGHHHHH!!!!! "CAN I CUDDLE WITH YOU ALREADY?!!!?!!???!?" I thought to myself as I bit my lip. I glanced at her as she was drawing. Carelessly, her hand preformed a dance. Every line, every edge, every curve, told its own story. SHE WAS AMAZING! She knew how to draw! She bit her lip and scooped one of the loose strands of her hair behind her ear. Her side profile reminded me of the sunset, it was beautiful. She looked at me and looked surprised, almost scared or creeped out.  She caught me staring at her. She smiled.....

And my heart melted ❤️

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