Chapter 20: New Friends, New Feelings?

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{Picture taken from Google}
Date: December 10th, 2015

Jayden's POV

[after school, Jayden is in the music room]

It's been about a month since I asked for the use of the music room after school hours. I've come almost everyday after school and stayed for about an hour and a half, therefore, I didn't get to see Justin during dismissal. I got a little hungry, so I decided to grab $2 out of my bag and step outside and go to the vending machine down the hall. I was in line behind another girl. After she was done I walked up and looked at all of the options. It was just me now. As I was putting my $2 in the slot, I heard a guy walking down the hall towards the Vending machine.

Guy: "Hey! Do you know if the
machine accepts 10 dollar bills?"

I turned my head towards him.

Me: "who me?"

Guy: "Yeah,"

Me: "Ummmm... " I looked at the
machine, then back at him. He was
less then 5 steps away now. "Well it says
it only excepts 1's and 5's so I guess not"

Guy: "Dang it... Alright thanks" he
turned around and started walking away.

Me: "hold up." He stopped walking "
Do you have change?"

Guy: "nah, only this ten."

Me: "I can exchange it for singles
if you'd like....?"

Guy: "Ugh, you're an angel!
Yes please!"

Me: "come on"

I lead him to the music room. I grabbed my wallet out of my book bag. I turned around and he was by my Dj-Ing set.

Me: "Here you go" I said handing
him 10 singles.

Guy: "Thanx" he says handing me the
10 dollar bill. "So, you're into Dj-ing?"

Me: "Yeah, a little" I say, getting up
and sitting on top of a nearby desk.

Guy: "kewl! I've never met a girl who
likes dj-ing. You any good?"

Me: "well, in my opinion, I'm decent"

He laughs under his breath.

Guy: "Do you mind?"

Me: "Oh no, please, go ahead!"

He steps behind the set and begins to drop some sick remixes.

Me: "That was pretty dope"

Guy: "Thanx, I'm Devon by the way"

Me: "I'm Jayden"

Devon: "Nice name"

Me: "thanx, right back at you"

Devon: "We should hang out
some other time."

Me: "Sure, anytime, I'm usually
here after school, so you can
stop by anytime."

Devon: "I'll be sure to!"

Me: "Kewl"

Devon: "Kewl"

Since that day we hung out almost everyday after school. We exchanged numbers and began to talk during school hours. He'd stop by my locker during the day to say hi and make small talk and we'd meet up at my locker for dismissal. We'd go to the music room and mess with what ever we felt like. We became the best of friends. He was the only person I felt comfortable with, besides everyone at the lunch table. We had so much in common.
{Devon} :

Justin's POV

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Justin's POV

It's been about 2 and 1/2 months since Jayden moved here. For a while it was just me and her. After a month or so I noticed she didn't go home at dismissal time. She seemed to stay after school. I never asked her for what, but she never mentioned it either. I decided to secretly stay after school one day to see what she was up to. She had a key and unlocked the door to the music room. She dropped her book bag in the back corner of the room. She walked to the opposite corner of the room where there was a cabinet. She opened it and took out a suitcase. She opened it and began to take out something that seemed to be Dj-ing equipment. Indeed it was. She would sometimes make remixes with her equipment, or played instruments. I even heard her sing one time. She sounded like an angel! But one day I decided to stop by again, she was accompanied by a guy, it was a guy named Devon. They'd sit on desks and talk, or make remixes together, or took pictures together, or sat at the piano and messed around, playfully fighting and all. She taught him how play the guitar. They'd laugh and hug. I couldn't take it anymore, so I stopped spying on her. From that day on, he began to stop by her locker during the day and he'd meet her at her locker after school, and disappear together. I was so angry about it. I felt a mixture of sadness, frustration, and anger . I felt....

What's that called?
What's the word I'm looking for? Overprotective?


I think so....

But how?



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