A/N : A little expirement...

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Hellur ✌🏼️ Its been a while 😬 I'm currently having writers block... Not gonna lie >.< So anything you wanna see happen, any suggestions, Comment down below⬇️ or DM me on here and I'll make sure to respond to you Cx

Btw.... Wanna help me with a little mmmmm.... Experiment?

If you do, continue reading, if not, then just skip to the comments and comment your story line requests ^.^

My Experiment:
- Follow me on Instagram @Jaydendrewblake
- Look for your favorite sentence/Part of this book and screenshot it.
- Post the picture/Screenshot on Instagram and in your caption, tag #Jaystin #Fanfic  and tag me @jaydendrewblake  (and if you want, tag Justin, since this fanfic is based upon him)
-  in your caption, tell me why that sentence/Part of my book is your favorite

And in return for that favor ⬆️⬆️, You can DM me (@jaydendrewblake) and tell me what you want out of the following:

- A Shoutout
- An edit (Of you, of Justin, of your friends, of your cat)
- follow back

Remember to comment your requests or DM me on wattpad, I'll try to update in the next week or so.

Boo bye ✌🏼️😉

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