Chapter 10: The "Buddy"

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Date: (still) October 1st, 2015

Justin's P.O.V.

I woke up and got ready for school. I was running a little late, but nothing to worry about. I drove to school and directed myself to the counselors office since I was told I was going to have a buddy for the next 2 weeks. I opened the door with a rush. "Hey, I'm here! Who is it?" I said with slight excitement. I saw familiar feature on a girl sitting in the chair. She slowly stood up and turned around. The silhouette, it was hers. I smiled and said "I'll take t from here Mrs. Caroline". I gently tugged her into the hallway.

Jayden's P.O.V.

Once we were out in the hallway, my voice seemed to disappear. It was the guy I spilled my coffee on, the guy from the mall, and the guy from Hooplas.... It was him. I remained silent, trying not to look at anything but the floor, trying to ignore the Devine human being beside me. He stopped and turned his body towards me. I did the same.

Buddy: "Hey, I'm Justin."

Me: "Hi, I'm Jayden"

Justin: "You're not going to run away are you?!? PLEASE DON'T RUN AWAY! I won't bite! I promise!" *He said smiling*

Me: "No.." *i giggled* "I won't run away"

Justin: "Good" *He laughs*


(5 seconds of awkward silence)

Justin:"So did the counselor give you your schedule?"

Me: "Uhhmmm, yeah" I said, handing him a piece of paper.

He grabbed it and we began to walk forward while he examined the paper.

Justin: " wow, well, I guess we'll be bumping into each other more often. You're in all of my classes!" He said with a beautiful bright smile, like the ones only anime characters give you.


Me: "Oh, well, I guess that makes your life easier then, doesn't it?" I said with sarcasm

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Me: "Oh, well, I guess that makes your life easier then, doesn't it?" I said with sarcasm.

Justin: "Yeah, I guess so" he said with a chuckle
"So, this school runs on a 6 letter day system, A-B-C-D-E and F. A-C-E days we have gym and and study hall. B-D-F days we have art and foreign Language(French)."

Me:"Okaii, what about lockers? The counselor gave me this paper with a locker number and a combination..."

Justin: "Oh alright, well then let's go find it"

He took the piece of paper and began to search. He came to a locker and entered the combination, and opened it. He held his hand out for me to hand him my book bag and smiled. I took out my phone and placed it in my back pocket. I also grabbed my binder and handed him my bag. He placed it in the locker and handed me the combination paper back.

Justin: "All done"

Me: "Thanx"

Justin:"No problem, now, if you ever need help, my locker is that one ^.^"

He pointed to a locker that was 10 lockers awa from mines. "How wonderful..... So much for 'Forgetting about him' " I thought to myself.

I gave him a smile and he walked to his locker I followed. I stood next to his locker, leaning on the wall(of lockers) with my binder in my right arm. *The first bell rings and people start to flood the hallways* He took out a binder, a sketch pad, and a pack of drawing pencils which began to fall out. I bent down to help him pick them up and we met hands.. Like in those movies.... He looked into my eyes and I dozed off into his, scooping my hair behind my ear and smiled at him then I looked down at his now opened sketch pad. It had an anchor drawn with the words "Lost at Sea" written.

Me: "You're pretty good" I said picking up his sketch pad.

Justin: "Thanks" he said slowly taking his sketch book away

I gave it back and we began to walk to our first class...
We walked into class and we walked over to the teacher

Justin:"Morning Mrs. Berkley, this is the new student"

Me: "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Jayden Castillo. " I said, extending my hand for her to shake.

Mrs. Berkley: "Well hello, such a well mannered young lady you are!" She said shaking my hand. "I see you're Justin's new buddy ^.^"

Me: "Yes m'am"

Mrs. Berkley: "Well then you guys can sit at the back table together."

Me: "Sure, if that's Okaii with Justin...

*We both looked at Justin*

Justin:"Hey, I'd be more then glad to share a table with her, why wouldn't I?" He smiled

Mrs. Berkley: "Well alright then, it's settled." She said smirking and raising an eyebrow at Justin."

Me and Justin: "Thank you"

Mrs.Berkley:"oh and Jayden, free draw paper, sketching paper, tracing paper, and sketching pencils are over there if you need to borrow any for the next few days. You can free draw for today, I was planning to give the class a free day today and tomorrow before we start our next assignment. " she said pointing to some colorful bins in the corner of the room

Me:"Thank you"

I look at Justin as he nodded his head, indicating me to follow him. We walked over to the colorful bins. I took some sketching papers and I began to pick out decent looking sketching pencils, when my hand was held Dow to the bottom of the bin and the pencils were removed from my hand. It was Justin. I looked at him.

Justin:"Don't use these, I'll let you borrow mines"

I take two pieces of paper and we walk to the table in the back. *late bell rings*. Mrs. Berkley walks up to the front of the class and announces that the class could have a free day. "You may use your phones but only if you remain quiet" she said. Justin opens his sketch pad while it was upside down and then he immediately closes it, as if he were hiding something. I couldn't quite make out what it was though.....

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