Chapter 15: Teen Prodigy?

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(Picture above is Jayden and Justin's schedule)

Date: (still) October 1st, 2015

Jayden's POV

*bell rings*

We were dismissed from the lunch room and Justin lead me to our next class. Danny and Tish were following us. We were walking down the hallway, me and Justin beside each other, in front of Danny and Tish. All four of us walked into a classroom. Danny took a seat at a table, beside him was Tish. Justin took me to the teachers desk.

Justin: "Bonjour Madame, Elle est Jayden, un nouvel étudiant." (Hi Miss, this is Jayden, a new student)

Mrs. Adrien(French teacher) : "Bonjour Jayden! Je m'appelle
Madame Adrien et je suis le professeur de français." (Hello Jayden! My name is Mrs. Adrien and I'm the French teacher)

I have a look of confusion on my face. Justin turns and leans in to whisper something in my ear.

Justin(whispers in my ear): "Mrs. Adrien has this policy that we can only speak French in her classroom. She's testing you to see how much you know. You have to talk to her in French."

I nod my head at Justin. I look around and realize the class has quiet down and had started to listen to our conversation.

I turn to Mrs. Adrien.

Jayden: "Bonjour Madame Adrien. Comment allez-vous?" (Hello Mrs. Adrien, how are you?)

Mrs. Adrien: "tres bien, et toi?"(I'm great, How about you?)

Jayden: "mm comme çi, comme ça" (eh, it's alright I guess)

Mrs. Adrien: "Oh d'accord. dire bonjour à votre premier 100 dans ma classe ! félicitations! voulez-vous rester à la table justins ?" (Oh, alright... Say hello to your first 100% in my class! Congrats! Now, would you like to sit at Justin's table?)

Jayden: "oh , bien sûr, ce serait bien ." (Oh, sure that would be fine.)

Mrs. Adrien: "ok bien, vous pouvez prendre un siège , la classe va commencer dans quelques minutes" (ok well, you can take a seat, class will start in a few minutes)

Jayden: "merci" (thank you)

Mrs. Adrien: "de rien"
(you're welcome)

I turn to Justin and his mouth is wide open, surprised at something. I giggle.

Me: "what's wrong?"

I look around and people are amazed as well.

Justin: "where did you learn all of that?"

We start walking to the table. I take a seat.

Me: "I learned the basics at my old school, but the rest and more complexed things I learned out of curiosity."

Danny: "damn, well that's some curiosity you have"

I giggle.

Me: "sure is" I smile at them.

Time fly's by and the bell rings. We walk to music class. Justin introduces me to the teacher and she says to take a seat for right now. Justin leads me to two empty seats and tells me to sit next to him.

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