Chapter 7: The day isn't even over!

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Date: (Still) September 29th, 2015

Justin's P.O.V.

I began to open my eyes to the sounds of voices nearby. My brothers Danny and Damon were sitting at the edge of my bed, next to me.
(Dy- Danny , D-jDamon, J-Justin)

Dy: "What the hell were you dreaming about?!?!"

D: "Yeah, you were smiling like an idiot, and whispering your name 'jay' "

J: "errrmmm, honestly, I don't remember..."

Dy: "whatever.... dood, you're such a butt head."

D:"yeah, you made Maidel feel bad."

J: "Well, I'm sorry, But honestly I wasn't in the mood, and if I stayed, I was going to make her feel worst, without it being my intention!"

Dy:" you're still a sh**head for leaving. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your happiness for others."

D: "Speaking of girls, who was that chick you called out for? The one at the mall?"

J: "Oh yeah, I was going to tell oh guys." *I giggled* "It was a girl who also spilled her coffee on me."

D:" damn..."


Dy: "But why were you going to go after her? DONT TELL ME YOU'RE CHEATING ON MAIDEL?!?!?"

J: " Nah man... I just met her today"

Dy: "Oh, alright"

J:" Do you guys mind? I'm going out for a bit."

Damon and Danny were fine with it, at that moment they walked out and I was left alone in my room. I honestly didn't remember what I was dreaming about. All I remember about that dream, was that I was laying in bed, looking through my instagram, and cuddling with that girl. I called her "My princess" and said, "I love you, and im glad you spilled your coffee on me".... and that's where it ends.

I grabbed a hoodie and walked out. I got into my car, and drove away. I drove around town for about an hour just to think, and then I decided to go for some frozen yogurt at Hooplas. All during the ride, I could not get her out of my mind...... "Jay" I whispered. A smile snuck up upon my face, and I couldn't resist smiling and blushing.

Jayden's P.O.V.

I hung up on Camilla and started watching "Your lie in April" on Netflix. I heard my mom call me, so I rushed downstairs.

Jayden: "Yes nom?"

Pearla: "Wanna help unpack?"

Jayden:"Sure, why not?"

We began to unpack the boxes. I emptied one box, then another, until I began to find things I never even knew we owned. My mom handed me some curtains and said "Grab a chair and put these Curtains up", so I did. I was on the chair, struggling to hang the curtain that was basically twice as big as I was (I'm 4'11" tall Cx)

Jayden: "So, what did you and Mr. Matsui work out? Am I going to be paired up with a female... or a male?"

Pearla:"Unfortunately, we couldn't work out anything out, so, you'll be paired up with a dude."

Jayden: "Well, If that bothers you, then maybe, I could drop out of high school." *I giggled*

Pearla :" Haha, very funny young lady... You'll be paired up with a guy for at least a week and a half, maybe two."

Those Pretty Green EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora