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Pepper Potts POV

When I was pushed apart from Tony the very first thing that popped into my brain was 'what the fuck have I just done!' I had never wanted to kiss Tony, yuck oh how many different girls had he kissed already this year? One hundred? Two hundred? Gross!

When I saw Tony in the hallway kissing all the girls I turned around and headed back the way I came little aware that he would follow me. He darted after me and grabs me by the shoulder introducing himself to me very politely like he was just a normal school boy in a normal school. I familiarised myself back to him little aware of what his next move would be. Little did I know that his next move would be to kiss me on the lips.

I instantly began to pull myself of him and push him away but I couldn't do it. I actually couldn't do it. All I wanted to do was get my lips away from him but I sensed Cupid telling me otherwise. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't and I acted the wrong way! I kissed him back! I actually kissed the slut Tony Stark back right after he had kissed a bunch of other girl. That makes me a slut to! I am not a slut! I can't be! I was just kissing Tony back I mean, I haven't kissed any other boys before. Idiot girl my brain screams at me, your first kiss ever was to a Slut. A slut who is only thirteen years old and a grossly rich billionaire! How the heck had I allowed myself to perform my very first kiss ever on him.

Yet when I was pulled apart from him I was left wanting more. I finished wanted to kiss this slut even more! I am never going to forgive myself for this yet part of me screamed that this was how life was meant to be. With Tony Stark! Kissing him felt so excellent and normal. It felt like a normal day!

When Tony spins around to see who knocked his expression turned from anger to sadness and a mix of fear. What is he afraid of? Natasha whispers something silently in Tony's ear, only audible enough for her to here and pats me on the shoulder gentle. She rushes after Steve and I make a silent oath to myself that I shall talk to Natasha later and explain my behaviour.

Tony is left looking shocked for about a minute with the girls he had kissed before attempting my devour him in another kiss. Tony pushes them away and I leans in and whispers in my ear, "that was, um, fun! I'm sorry Pep, I'm sorry."

I shrug, "no worries Tony. Goodbye, have a nice year! Thanks!" I turn around to leave when he grabs my arm and pulls me towards him again, "is that it? Are we over?"

I nod, "yes, yet we were never together."

He nods upset and whispers in my ear in a low husky voice, "okay, it was nice meeting you. I would love to consider us again if you ever want to though." He leans in and kisses me on the cheek and watches as I walk away from him in the opposite. Away from him for forever, or so I hope! No more Pepperony ever again!

Clint Barton's POV

Where the heck are they all? Five minutes down and I am the only one for our group here. It's two early for them to have died so they must be running late or taking a toilet break. I casually decide to go on my phone, a dodgy Samsung, and watch the news on my headphones to see if anything has happened recently that I should be aware of. Like say, a murder!

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter has a small amount of text yet the video is VERY important so watch it carefully. OMG! I hate youtube! It took an hour to load that video up so there wont be another anytime soon.

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