The Phone Call

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Steve Rogers POV
My day continued down its shit road that it did in combat. Jeez how much I hated Natasha and Clint flirting in front of us. Why couldn't they take themselves away and fight where we can't hear them. Why could I not be in Clint's place! I want to be the one that flirted with Nat. I wanted to be the one that Natasha needed in life. I wanted to be the one that in the future would be able to roll over and stare into the most beautiful red hair. I wanted to be the one that Natasha depended on in life.

That lesson I had done one punch on a punching bag which soared into the air with force. I had to dodge the crowd and hide so that attention was no drawn to me. Clint had managed to hit the target once and was claiming the first was to get used to the bow. Unluckily he had to mimic what I did and claim it wasn't him. Bruce throughout the lesson missed his shots on the bow and arrow and couldn't make the punching bag flinch. So Bruce totally failed that lesson immensely. My day continued down the same horrible way and I was nearly on my hands and knees begging to leave.

Jemma Simmon's POV

I am thrilled that the day is finally over yet it did contain a very interesting Combat lesson period one. Fitz had been there to which made it difficult on both of us trying not to draw attention to ourselves so we tend to stand as far away as possible and not communicate.

The lesson today revealed that they might still have their skill and be able to obtain the title of the Avengers to which I think Daisy will be happy about since Coulson was going to make her be the leader of the Avengers and her followers be the other Inhumans. Personally, I don't think that would end well.

I am walking out of the school yard when I accidently bump into Mr Mullen who is talking to himself and rubbing his ear. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I apologise.

Still rubbing his ear he replies, "watch where you are going next time." He then turns and walks away. Suddenly my phone in my pocket vibrates and I take it out and see a message from Daisy, "ring me when you can Jem. And Hurry!"

I quickly hit the call button and she answers immediately, "Jemma get out of there now. We have managed to track Ward down and he is heading there now!"

Shit no, this is not sounding good. "What about Fitz and The Avengers?"

Daisy sighs, "Fitz has gone and is safe, I just spoke to him and thankfully the Avengers are as good as undercover as they remember nothing! Right now you are our concern!"

"Okay, I'm getting out of here now," I tell Daisy just before I hang up. I rush to my car and jump in and speed off overtaking Mr Mullen as he is driving his way home.

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