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Pepper Potts POV

When I saw Tony plunging down to the ground I shrieked and sprinted to his side shoving Steve out my way to reach him. My brain was cursing in shock and I felt my hands tremor immensely. I reach for Tony's head and feel something sticky and when I remove my hand I discover blood. Blood. A lot of blood! Steve falls onto his knees at Tony's side and I thrust him away screaming for him to stay away from Steve. He studies me and when he gets a glance of my hands he runs quickly after telling Tony that is sorry, not that I think he can hear. I turn back over to attend to Tony and notice that a girl is on top of him. My first instincts is that she plans to make out with him unconscious then I see that she is sitting by his side and crying and is causing his body to shake by perform CPR and I just can't look. She screams at me to call the ambulance and say that its requested Jane Foster calling for Tony Stark's aid. As if they would care that it's Jane Foster! Who even is Jane Foster! Oh right, the girl.

I run to the nearest locker and punch it trying to get inside to use their phone because mine is on the other side of the school and by the time I reach it I would be too late. A boy in my year who is dressed in and has semi long hair sees me and comes and within one punch the door is open. "Thanks," I yell at the boy. He gives me a smile in return, which quickly fades into a grimace. "Grab the damn phone and ring, no worries. By the way I'm Loki!"

I dial 911 and leave the boy with no response, he doesn't need to know my damn name, and just scream on the phone for an Ambulance and give them location and details. I hang up and see a schoolgirl in the background screaming at Jane to stop! "Jane, stop! You're tiring yourself out! You aren't made for this! You can't do this!"

Jane doesn't listen to this girl and just screams back, "I must Darcy. Now shut up. Let me concentrate," Jane pumps and breathes into Tony's mouth two more times before passing out next to him out of exhaustion. Darcy pushes Jane and runs to her side, "come on Jane, you need to rest!" Darcy heaves Jane up and carts her away and I rush to Tony's side and start performing CPR on Tony. I had done about two before I was exhausted, as I had never performed CPR before. It is such a Tony thing to do to cause me to do CPR for the first time. More people start lining up performing CPR on Tony and drop out like flies, after all we are only school students and a few weak teachers. Mr. Mullen walks in and sees Tony and the blood that surrounds and faints in the doorway. Fantastic, that's exactly what teachers are for, fainting when you need them most!

Suddenly Clint and Natasha come bursting into the room. When Clint sees Tony laying on the ground vibrating his face erupts in fear and starts to step away again. Natasha takes a second to scan the room before running to Tony and pushing the man of him and starts pumping out CPR on Tony. Clint sits next to her in shock encouraging her on after offering to perform CPR and getting denied. He didn't help his case by saying it would be his first time. Natasha continues to perform CPR causing Tony's body to shake while listening to Clint's soft voice and responding to him. Everyone sits there exhausted watching Natasha work her magic. Suddenly she screams out which causes us all to jump, "someone get him, get Fitz!"

Everyone looks around in shock before someone pips up that they know who he is and so everyone sets of in a search party except Natasha, Clint, Jane, Darcy, a few others who performed CPR and myself.

Clint Barton's POV

Natasha sat there working her life out while everyone else watches her in fear and shock. How did the breakable looking Natasha know CPR? I sat there encouraging her, not knowing what else to do. Suddenly a girl in red with brown hair bursts back into the room with a man and he rushes to Natasha's side. He moves to take over but Natasha doesn't budge. "Where are they?" she asks them.

The man who I presume is Fitz looks at her in shock and in his british sounding accent replied, "I don't know." Suddenly the door bursts open and in run paramedics and so Natasha steps back and lets them take over after insuring that Tony would be safe with them. I look around and see ants everywhere and all over the blood and a boy throwing his hands in the air whispering to something on the ground, most likely an ant.

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