Dead Mind World

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Guys this chapters going to be totally boring. This chapter is basically half about my revision notes for a test that I have. Can you guess what it's about?

Tony Stark's POV

My beautiful girls that shall be swarming me as I lay here looking dead, I am alive so there is no need to fret. I am alive, yes, but injured badly. Luckily for me, the doctors at the hospital that I'm going to are the best of the best so it's likely that I shall be back up on my feet as soon as possible, maybe even tomorrow. I am currently having stitches done at the moment thankfully and i am actually breathing thanks to the beautiful Natasha. The best part of all was that she actually kissed me. Well semi did, she was doing CPR so I am not sure if that counts as kissing, but for me that shall do for now.

It's actually quiet amusing down here is 'Dead Mind World', a place where all the dead minds go. I might faint again soon so I can come and join my friends down here. Maybe I could fall out of the sky! I wonder if Bruce, my science bro, would try and catch me? Dead mind world may be interesting and it allows your mind to wonder. My mind, of course, wonders to my favourite thing. Well besides kissing of course my favourite thing is science! I think about everything science I can think f and I sing The periodic table of elements to LadyDork , one of my dead mind buddies. She got dead minded from fascinating over Thor so much. Jeez, that name sounds so familiar. Personally I think she was lying about this Thor boy though because, jeez, that way she glared at me was so heart-racing!

I have also talked to AngieMartinelli another friend of mine down here about romantic science and love at first sight. I purely believe that she is madly in love with Bucky, a boy who apparently lives in Canada. After then reaching my utter boredom and of course kissing I_LOVE_TRIS , a girl down her that apparently is head over heels in love with me, I decide to ponder over my knowledge about the boring things called rocks. Yes, I did say rock. Yes, the rock that makes up the earth.

I know that they're three types of rocks! Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic! Igneous is formed from cooling magma, (I never knew how much that word sounds like Magna Carta and that thing is legendary!). There are then two types of igneous rocks, intrusive and extrusive! Intrusive are formed below ground and Extrusive are above. Intrusive cools slowly so it has large crystals and it can stretch up to one thousand kilometers! Extrusive cools fast and can contain gases, which can be seen as air bubbles! These rocks are classified on the size of their crystals, the minerals inside and blah, blah, blah.  Pumice, Basalt, Obsidian and Scoria are extrusive rocks while Granite is intrusive! These rocks can be used for some cleaning products, garden paths, drainage material around pipes, used for building and makes headstones.

Then there is Sedimentary, a rock formed from sediments of the ground! These sediments are deposited by water, wind or ice and cemented together in layers under pressure. Dead plants and animals may be located in sedimentary rocks. They are mostly formed from weathered rocks! The layers visible inside of them and if any fossils are seen, as they are the only type of rock to include fossils, classify them! Sandstone, limestone and coal are sedimentary rocks. They can be used for external walls of buildings, makes mortar, cement, plaster, and to run electrical stations!

Lastly there is a metamorphic rock, which is formed from another rock, which has been under great heat and/or pressure. The heat or pressure makes the other rocks form these rocks and this process goes by the name of metamorphism. Things that affect the result is the original rock, heat exposed to, pressure exposed to and how quickly the changes take place.  You can classify things by bands, of flat leaf like layers. An example of this is gneiss, slate and marble. They are used for statues and walls and floor of buildings, roofing, and floor tiles. The original rock from these can't be used to do these things. I am 99.99% sure that Field_Hockey4life Wolf9103 emielei _AllTimeCxnt_ LoricGardeFour ElsaTheRealFangirl are thinking the exact same as me, or at least were.

Dead minds do wonder, and they sure do have fun, but my time being out is over. I now must awaken!

I open my eyes and see people surrounding me and that I'm in a hospital bed. When the nurse sees that I'm awake she comes over and starts asking me questions. She informs me that I have made a speedy recovering, having been young and that I shall be back on my feet in no time. Actually by no time she said that I would be up and all ready to go to school tomorrow. I must give a huge thanks to my arc reactor when I have a chance, as that is likely the reason to my fast recovery.

Boring chapter! Yet to me it was helpful and I quite enjoyed it, as Tony did. Thanks for reading!
-Natasha Romanoff

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