Oak Tree

492 31 14

Steve Rogers POV

I run though the school desperate to get out of here, where there is too much drama and noise. I run and get pushed and shoved by the students in older years. I am running and have to duck to the side alley when I see the paramedics coming to take Tony to hospital. I feel so guilty. One punch can kill and so can two. I run away until I reach the outside where I sink to the ground leaning on a large oak tree. I sit there crying and shaking so much that I start to feel faint and lay down.

A boy runs up to me and sits down beside me silently and quietly and motions for me to lean my head on his shoulder. Whispering to me he calms me down by telling me that everything will be okay and that I shall not have to worry at all and that the paramedics will sort it out. I sigh, "but I could have killed him! I could have killed Tony!"

The boy shrugs, "yet you didn't and that's what counts. You let your temperature get the best of you. It happens to the best of us!" Seriously! The best of us get angry and nearly kill someone! What would Natasha do if she was in my situation? I bet you she would just tell Tony to shut up in every single language every invented. What about Banner? I am nearly sure he would stay calm and go catch some butterflies. Clint? Clint would simply just yell and swear at them till they wake up. Tony, what would he do? My best bet is that he would go kiss a girl and then make say a joke like always. "The best of us nearly kill someone when they get angry?" I ask him annoyed.

He sighs, "well no, but we do punch people and you did nothing more than punch him. Didn't you?"

"Of course! How do you know of this anyway?" I ask him curios.

"I think you have forgotten that you're in the most expensive school in Manhattan. We all have phone and it was posted on YouTube."

"What's YouTube," I ask him and earn a sigh and a very short explanation. Seriously though who the heck names something YouTube? I tube what? What do I transport, and don't you dare say videos or photos because I'm not sharing my public life to people.

"So what is your name, I'm Steve Rogers!" I inform him othering my hand out.

"James Buchanan Barnes, yet I prefer Bucky Barnes," he tells me shaking my hand. I laugh, so I was meant to say my full name? None the less. "Steven Grant Rogers for full then, yet I go by Steve Rogers."

Bucky sighs, "I have got to go. I will tell someone I found you out here. It would look the best if you were crying and praying by the way."

"Thanks," I tell him, "thanks for everything!"

He laughs, "It was my pleasure Steven!"

I laugh too, "Its Steve! Call me Steve!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down and start crying," and with that Bucky turns around and starts jogging away from me.

Bucky's POV
I jog away from Steve as fast as I can and head back into the school corridors were I accidentally bump into a blonde haired boy. "Sorry, I was just looking for the boy that punched Tony! Would you mind checking outside for him?" I ask the boy casually. The boy sighs and looks at me and nods his head stiffly, "whatever, like I have anything better to do! What number do I ring when I find him?"

"Um, ring Bruce. That should be a contact in his phone," I tell the boy. He yet again nods, "like I have anything better to do, at least I won't have to see my sister yet," and runs away as fast as lighting. The last words this boy says rings in my brain. Why I don't know. Was it him abnormal running speed or was it his time of affection towards his sister even when he was criticising her. Whatever it was, it would be stuck with me forever, or at least until we met again.

Pietro's POV

Fantastic, I totally love the boy I ran into and please be my guest and note the sarcasm there. I am not very happy about having to check outside for this boy that punched Tony. I had seen this boy before, Steve, as he was hanging out with Tony and rumour spreads a lot when someone hangs out with a billionaire. I had heard most the rumours about this boy which included that he and Tony were a 'thing'. I totally disagreed with this 'thing', which apparently in my generation meant couple, as I could not see Tony loving a boy. He was too much of a playboy boy in my opinion to date guys.

I run outside at a nice slow pace and scan my surrounding to see a large wooden okay tree with a boy beneath it crying. Steve! I rush over to him and snatch his phone of him and run back. I can feel Steve glaring at me through my back. "What?" I demanded at him.

Steve lifts his head, "who are you?"

I sigh, "Pietro Maximoff."

Steve nods, "okay, so that was the wrong question to ask. I should have asked, what are you?"

I nearly choke on my own breathing at this and drop Steve's phone likely smashing the screen. Ignoring  this I glare at him with my eyebrows raise, "what do you think I am?"

"God. Or Jesus."

Yes Bucky has entered the story. #BUCKYSPROTECTIONSQUAD ( buckyprotectionsquad ) is in need here! Thank you to everyone who has helped me rank #355 in fanfiction! Thanks!

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