Punch, Shoot & Kick Ass

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Tony Stark's POV

New day today. Let's hope I don't receive any punches! But nope, the genius who made my timetable decided that today, Thursday, would be a perfect day to give me the most dangerous lesson. Combat.

We all pile into the change-rooms and get changed, myself being extra careful not to tear the stitches yet they did say my head was pretty much back to normal plus stitches! I get changed quickly ignoring Steve as he mumbled his apologises which finally proved to much, "shut up! I am alive and all is well so that's that, lets not keep talking about it!" I tell him in an attempt to make him shut up and stop mumbling endless apologises. Steve nods, "well shall we call it even since no harm was done and we both punched each other?"

I nod, "of course, I believe I actually got the better off having made Mr Mullens room stink!"

Steve laughs, "of course you did! Come on, let's go and start fighting others!" We both run out of the change-rooms and wait inside the gymnasium for our teachers to come and let us learn to fight! Suddenly five teachers enter the gymnasium all gossiping together! Out I of the teachers I only recognised Miss Simmons. They teachers got the class to gather round. "Hello everyone, I am Mr Fitz," says a man who looks funny in a tie and all. "We have two classes doing combat together and for the safety we have three teachers here at all times." He then gestured to the other teachers to introduce themselves.

"Hey, I'm Miss Simmons for those who don't know me," Miss Simmons addresses the class awkwardly and I can tell there is tension in the air. Mr Fitz looks at the others awkwardly and gestures to the last teacher.  This is a young teacher in there his 30's, there who addresses the class as Mr Bottlehead. He said he would be teaching us all year and couldn't wait to see us falling on our hands and knees. They then told us to go to the stations and try out the tasks that were awaiting us there. We had to go to a station and then we could pick or chose were we went after that. I noticed that in this class, due to having to classes together, that most my friends were in the class including Bruce, I guess we are Science and Sport Bros now!

I go and stand next to Bruce and am followed by Steve. We talk about were to go and finally decide on boxing, to all my dismay. I personally have seen enough punches thrown for a while. I give the punching bag a few punches and managed to barely make it budge even with no one holding it. Bruce fails to my extent, if not worse. Annoyed Steve pushes his May past us and throws a punch at the bag making it fly in the air with force and sadly see it land on someone. We suddenly hear the persons British accent fill the hall, "who flaming did that? I can say from the gravitational effects of it that it had to be a soldier and a half to be able to preform that!" The whole class- including teachers- burst out laughing at Mr Fits and I see Miss Simmons attending to his, ugh, bruised head.

Terrified out of our daylights Bruce and I take a step away in fear of being the next recipient of Steve punch and I hope my punch from yesterday was the first I will ever receive from Steve. Bruce is now looking as terrified as if he had just witnessed a murder. Shocked Steve takes a few steps back and the three of us join back into the crowd. We decide we should head over and see Nat and Clint at the archery station. Clint was waiting in line not so patiently while talking to Nat, who was not in her work out gear. When she sees us she smiles, "hey guys! Please don't tell me one of you did the punching bag!"
I chuckle and mumble, "you bet!"
Clint burst out laughing and Steve casually cuts in, "well it doesn't matter now. Are you not doing combat today Nat?"
She shrugs, "nope, I am releasing the devil of Nat next week."
Suddenly we reach the front of line and Clint runs to grab the wooden set of bow and arrows and examines it. "These are shit!" He tells us in frustration. Natasha sighs and tell him to hurry up and shoot or she will for him. "Well what do you want me to shoot?" He asks her.
Natasha rolls her eyes of frustration "the target idiot!"
Clint looks at her in shock. "The target! I could shot that with my eyes shut!"
Nat laughs, "you've never touched a bow and arrow before have you?"
Clint looks down and shakes his head in embarrassment. "Nope, but I feel a sense of a rush brewing. It feels like the norm," he says.
Natasha laughed, "wow you feel it brewing! Does that mean your hogging to hit a shot first time?"
Clint nods, "yep!"
I laugh, "I totally ship you two together. Nearly as much as I ship ummm."
Natasha replies cheerfully, "Fitzsimmons?"
Bruce looks curios at this, "Who is Fitzsimmons?"
Nat laughs, "Miss Simmons and Mr Fitz!"
Clint nearly chokes on air, "you ship them as much as us! They don't even know each other."
Oh my Odin! I feel so sorry for Laura! Wait, Laura? Who the heck is called Laura? Your mother! Yes, Clint's mother must be Laura!
Bruce suddenly points to the corner of the room and tells Clint to shoot. Clint pulls back the draw string and fire the arrow to find the arrow take a left turn and miss the location. Frustrated Clint picks up the next arrow and fires the next arrow which hits the target dead centre. The room stops in horror and looks terrified and I see Fitz and Simmons talking very quietly. Clint sighs, "I told you I could!"
Nat laughs, "Well you missed it once!"
Clint throws his arm up into the air, "it was my first time ever!"
Bruce chuckles, "please don't kill each other with your flirting. We don't really want to hear that! Congratulations anyway."
Why is Bruce the peace bringer? Especially considering he likes Nat. I don't need him to tell me that, I see it everyday. I see the sign of desire and want, similar to the way Clint and Steve look at her.  Yes I am the love expert of the group. The only one , or to my information, has ever been on a date and kissed someone. Natasha may have to break some hearts later. Yet not mine. To me, she is my best friend not a love interest. Or so I hope.

Hey. So Tony thinks that Natasha may have to make a difficult choice between Steve, Clint and Bruce. Who do you think she is going to choose and who would you choose? Okay so I started a new book 'Hacker In Battle' (HIB), so this book is going to be pushed on  HOLD for a while yet I will updating it in likely a few weeks. This gives yu a chance to catch up on any chapters you have missed and also an opportunity to check out my new book and write a story of your own if you please.


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