Where Have You Been?

416 22 13

Jemma Simmons POV

Where the heck is Fitz hiding? In the most darkest, gloomiest most closterfobic place in the world? Highly likely. Boss is going to tell him off for this! I walk around the corridors and acidenently bump into my least favourite teacher, Thomas Mullen, also known to me as Voldemort. The funny thing I found was that Voldemort real name was Tom Riddle and that's his first name! "Tom, have you seen Leo?" I ask him trying not to sound to creepy asking for a teacher they have never seen me talk to. S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted us to break contact from each other as it would be suspicious if two new teachers knew each other. "I last saw him with Tony at the crime scene. It's not pleasant! Be prepared to faint," he informs me acting like a drama queen. "Thanks," I say and turn to run of when he catches my arm which nearly gives me a heart attack. I looks at me with curiosity, "do you know him? I have never seen the two of you talk?"

"We don't know each other well, we just work in the same department so we need to communicate the marking grades," I tell him casually trying not to sound scared and afraid but most of all like a liar. He nods stiffly and firmly, "so your going to see him right after a student has been knocked unconscious and sent to hospital?"

I nod, "that's spot on!" I turn and walk away. I walk into the corridor which I believed Tonys class was in. It had to be one of Tom's classes because his classes are full of drama and I don't blame the students considering he is Voldemort. I walk down the corridor and see blood and know I'm in the perfect place and then I see Fitz standing there and I feel my heart miss a beat. I hadn't been able to see him all year and I was left filling alone and abandoned and I was so happy to see him I ran up and hugged him earning a glare from a bypassing student. "Leo, where have you been?" I ask him.

He looks at me, "I have been here all along and wanting to do this."

"This?" I ask him confused.

Fitz then for the first time ever leans in and kisses me on the lips! I shove him off of me, "Fitz, not here, not now, not ever!" He looks at me and mumbles his apology but I shake my head. "I don't need an apology but we can't kiss especially at school. Remember what boss said!"

Fitz gives a nod and chuckles, "of course I remember what he said." He then starts to Munich our boss, "hey I'm Coulson and you shall not know each other when you go undercover in the field."

I burst out laughing but end it very fast and curtly, "be quiet! Don't mention there names."

He nods, "alright. For you information I love you." Omg! Did he just say he loves me! He continues on though, "All this time we have spent apart has caused my brain to wonder and I finally know that I do!"

I laugh and whisper in his ear, "I love you to." Suddenly Tom Mullen walks in and we jerk apart which cause him to raise an eyebrow. "What were you too up to? And please in the name of God tell me you weren't practising to give your students make out lessons."

We both burst out laughing and I doubt I have laughed this hard in a long time. "Nah Tom, we were just talking about lessons and Leo here just showed me how to disarm a person with a gun because I haven't done it in a while," I lie to him.

Tom chuckles lightly, "whatever, would you mind cleaning up all this blood on the floor! I don't fancy the smell in my next class here," he tells us.

I look at the floor and feel so angry at S.H.I.E.L.D. for making me do this and nonetheless signing both Fitz and I up in the physical apartment! To them there excuse was that you need a degree to be a scientist which they couldn't produce without showing of the Shield logo. Stupid in my opinion! Why can't they just flash the logo and be all done with it. But no, apparently it will be too dangerous and cause a risk. Their other concern was them keeping close eyes on us, trying to kill us or just their curiosity why we were there. Sure they had forgotten all about the Avengers  that was turned back to children. Oh, did I say Avengers? I meant gang, seriously there were more than just the avengers stuck yet they were mainly the Avengers. There was Agent Bruce Banner, Agent Steve Rogers, Agent Tony Stark, Agent Thor Odinson, Agent Clinton Barton, Agent Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Scott Lang and I few more.

"What are cleaners for Tom? To watch us work our butt off? To give you someone to imagine yourself making out with?" I ask him sarcastically.

Tom pivots around as fast a lion can pounce and glares, "shut up Jemma and get to work!"

Tom then turns and walks away with a smile on his face. I glare at Fitz, "does he treat you like that?" He sighs, and shakes his head. "Yeah, well the cleaners are cleaning that up. I'm not a physical education teacher combat teacher or cleaner! I am a scientist!"

Fitz laughs agreeing and together we start walking outside and watch Natasha, Steve, Clint and Bruce chatting among themselves loudly and Wanda and Pietro were hugging. Fitz sighs, "what are we to do about them? We need to make sure they don't kill each other and as Bruce said a long time ago, they are a bomb!"

I nod, "No idea, and we have more of them to look after now! How's boss going?"

Fitz sighs, "Coulson's going okay. He did say we may need to leave soon because of, well, issues at S.H.I.E.L.D."

I sigh, "we are not doing it!"

Fitz chuckles, "May and Skye can't we may have to!"

"Could we get them to do it?" I ask gesture my head to the gang.

Fitz laughs, "heck no. Too dangerous. Yet their going to have to be left on their own for a bit!"

I shake my head, "well this is going to be marvellous!"

He laughs, "it shall be. Well I better leave before we come suspicious. Lets just pray that Tony recovers or Fury is destroying Coulson and then we will be killed by Coulson!"

I laugh, "way to make me feel better Fitz, goodbye." He turns and walks away from me and I know I shall not see him anytime soon, and if I do, there is a serious problem!

Guys! A Fitzsimmons chapter were they meet for the first time in the story so far! So should we go over the ships this story has so far?

There is Fitzsimmons which we saw just then and there is also Clintasha (Clint and Natasha), Brutasha (Bruce and Natasha), Stasha (Steve and Natasha), Stony (Steve and Tony), Stucky (Steve and Bruce), Stanner/Brony (Steve and Bruce), Green-Eyed Widow (Bruce, Clint and Natasha), Pepperony(Pepper and Tony) and Cyber Husbands (JARVIS and Tony). Did I miss any? So out of all of these who is your favourite ship within this story? I have also recently began writing a new story which you can add to your library today!

-Natasha Romanoff

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