Lecture Time!

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Natasha Romanoff's POV

Clint goes off to find Wanda which leaves myself and Bruce sitting beside ourselves awkwardly. "Good job back there on Tony," Bruce tells me. I cannot help but stare at his dark brown eyes and curly messy hair which leaves me feeling flustered, which I must admit hasn't happened to me in a while. Scratch that, it has never happened to me before, yet then all the boys in Russia look average in my opinion. Clint left me feeling a tiny bit yet that was only because of his eyes, they looked like a hawk out to prey. "Thanks," I say awkwardly.

Bruce nods, "how are you holding up? Don't get dizzy after seeing that much blood?"

I shake my head, "nah, I have seen a lot in my past." I must say I have seen a lot yet I can't seem to remember where. Bruce nods awkwardly, "sorry to hear that, did your parents abuse you or something?" What the heck am I meant to say now? Tell the truth or lie about it or not say anything? Might not harm to tell the truth or at least part of. "I never knew my parents, they abandoned me when I was young." Awkward silence follows which is suddenly broken by Clint's booming voice, "we have the girl so let's go and give Steve a lecture!" We have the girl? Wow, that's a friendly way to treat her. I walk up to her, giving Clint a light shove out the way. "Thanks for getting Fitz for me," I thank her. I had no idea why I wanted him out of everyone. I think it's just because his name was the shortest name mentioned at the assembly out of the new teachers. "No worries," she replies clearly not wanting to make a conversation. Whatever, we shall all walk in the most awkward of silence.

We walk around the corridors which are mayhem. I see Mr Mullen acting for the first time like Dumbledore and evacuating the school, and announcements blurred that for the rest of the day school was cancelled so they could clean up after the incident. Everyone now is piled at the lockers and collecting there books to complete there homework. When we reach outside we see Steve sitting under a large oak tree with a boy standing keeping guard on him. "Hey Steve," I say as I walk over, "thanks for keeping a eye on him. Natasha," I say directing my glance towards the boy keeping watch on him. "Pietro, and it was my pleasure," he tells me running to grab his sister. He hugs her tight and I hear them whispering quietly under there breath. I manage to make out the words 'love you', and 'awful.' We grab Steve and drag him away a bit before turning to him and giving him a lecture. "Why did you do that to Tony? What did he do wrong? Why are you making him suffer from this?" Clint asks him keeping a cool head.

Steve shakes his head, "I don't know! It just happened! Were are the police?" Steve asks.

I sigh, "you don't know anything do you? Police don't come to arrest the underage. It has actually stayed pretty quiet. Fitz during the time I was doing CPR quietly told me that no charges shall be pressed towards you!"

Steve let's out a sigh of relief, "so everything is all good then? Is Tony okay?" 

Bruce takes this as his turn to answer, "yeah he should be. His arc reactor was very helpful!"

"Awesome," Steve says.

"Can I go home now?" Clint ask impatiently.  

I sigh, "always in a rush, but yes it's time we all go home. School's getting evacuated so we should all leave. See you tomorrow!" I turn around and start walking and hear Clint mutter, 'and she said I was in a hurry!'

Hello. So this is a short chapter and boring but the next shall hopefully make it up. OMG! I passed the test! 82%!!!!!!! Btw the next chapter is my fav yet! Can you guess why and what happens? 

-Natasha Romanoff

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