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Pietro Maximoff's POV

"Pardon? Did you just say you thought I was God or Jesus?" I ask him a tiny bit worried about his mental wellbeing because I personally don't think I look anything like a God or God's son. "Okay, be quiet. That did sound stupid and I doubt God would dress like that!"

I chuckle at this, "you doubt God would look handsome?"

Steve sighs, "oh shut up! If you are God then please accept my prayers to Tony being well, if your not then what are you?"

"Language! I am-" I begin to find myself getting cut off.

"That's my line!" Steve says. I glare at him giving him the glance of what I like to call, interrupt me and I shall not answer your stupid question. Steve gives me an apologetic look and mumbles his sorrows. "Okay, finally I can talk! I am human, of course you gullible man!" I tell him with my hands waving in annoyance.

"What does gullible mean?" Steve asks me with a god damn straight face! How can you keep a straight face when you don't know what the world gullible is. "It means idiot!" I tell him in shock of him not knowing what one of the most used worlds of the generation meant.

He sighs, "oh, so if your human then why are you so fast?" Seriously? How am I so fast? I dunno? I kinda work out but seriously my sister, Wanda, is always telling me how slow I am! I seriously think this is because I'm faster than her and she tries to encourage herself that she is better at me at it yet that has never been the case. Yet again when it comes to manipulating people she is the one to do it and can convince anyone of anything with just a wave of her hand.

"Because I practice idiot," I say filled with annoyance.

Steve glares at me, "I practice as well every day and I am nowhere near that good. Your speed is inhuman. It's like God or Jesus because that's impossible for a average person to achieve."

I smirk, "it's a good thing that I am not an average human then." Steve nods and mumbles that he agrees under his breath. I silently pick up Steve's phone from the ground of where I dropped it from utter shock and find Bruce's number of the phone and hit call.

"Steve what the fuck," I heard a loud voice say through the phone. I give a light chuckle at Bruce's stupidity because why would Steve ring Bruce having just punched Tony and leaving him unconscious. "Why hello Bruce," I say through the phone and here him gasp in disbelief. I hear the background behind him is all noisy, likely the scene of the incident. "Who are you?" He asks me through the phone, "Pietro Maximoff, brother of Wanda Maximoff."

"Question. Who is Wanda?" Bruce asks me through the phone in a voice of curiosity. Didn't I just tell him she's my sister, "Wanda is a brown haired girlpand today, and every other day, is wearing red." I tell him. Our school was awesome as we had to school uniform, as someone sued the school for it. Can you guess who that was? Of course, it was Tony Stark.

"Oh, she is here with us. Do you want us to tell her to go see you. Wait, how do you have Steve's phone in the first place?" He asks me.

"Well I was heading to find my sister when I bumped into a boy who asked me to look outside for Steve and I found him and he told me when to find him to use Steve's phone and call you!" I inform him trying my best to give him the wonderful thing known as information overload.

"Okay, I shall get Wanda and bring her and bring two friends to hold Steve down. So why did you have to call me?" Bruce asks me.

"No idea," I tell him, "maybe he thought you were the calmest of them all."

I hear him laugh, "unfortunately not. Things can get very green!"

"Yuck, don't force me to eat my veggies," I shout at him.

"You shall pass this once, we are on our way as soon as possible," he mutters into the phone.

"No worries, see you soon," I tell him and hang up.

I glance at Steve who is shaking and currently with his eyes close muttering prays under his breath, well he is muttering the two he knows. "Cut it out Steve, stop shaking. Do something useful and learn how to count in a different language," I tell him. Steve looks at me with his eyebrows raised in the look of concern and worry, which I believe is useless. "Why would I do that?" he asks me.

"Maybe so your girlfriend Natasha isn't better at languages than you," I tell him.

Steve sighs loudly, "I kinda ruined that. She will never want to be my girlfriend after what I just did to Tony. No matter how much I begged. Anyway she is all in for Clint," he tells me. Okay I am not a liar and will not tell him that he is correct so casual shake it off and just throw him back his phone. "They shall be here soon, if your lucky they will be unoccupied by the police," I tell him.

He sighs, "I hope the police don't come! Actually I pray the police won't come!"

I chuckle, "you should better start praying then!"

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