Chapter Four: Yes I Do?

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May's POV

"Hey Drew, remember what your Grandpa said last night?" I asked out of the blue, slowly piling up sand beneath my feet. It was already late afternoon and once again, I'm with Drew playing sand castles within the sand box of our local playground.

"Last night?" My nine year old playmate slowly turned to me. He was also molding a pile of sand underneath him in between his legs, his face speckled with dirt. And mine was as well. We are like those pigeons we see here every morning dust-bathing. It's not exactly the happiest thing we've ever seen but it is something worthy of a special spot in our memory.

"Stupid! Are you trying to breathe in all of the sand here?" I came over to his side and tried to dust-off his face. "It won't be long now that you'll turn into a human glass hour, and we won't have any more sand here to play with!"

Much to my surprise, he held both of my hands which were on his face. He let it fall and returned the favor of dusting off my face. "You're one to talk, aren't you May." He chuckled.

"I just thought that if you're gonna gobble up all of the sand here then I guess a little help won't hurt." I joked back. Our laughter rang throughout the playground making the venue itself alive despite that it was just the two of us present here.

"Grandpa said that if we get older we'll be married right?" He paused and scratched his head, trying to remove the sand from his scalp. "Is that what you meant?"

"Well, uhm, yeah." I looked down as to hide my embarrassment, fiddling with my nails as they were also invaded by the sand.

"Ah that, uhm, come here for a sec." He suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the top-right corner of the sandbox. I saw a big blue bucket turned upside down,  he pulled it out. "What do you think of this?" He grinned and showed me a simple sand castle he made.

"Woah!" I answered in awe. "Since when did you build this?" I asked and leaned closer to his sand castle. It was simply beautiful. And the thought that he got his face speckled all over with sand just for this got me admiring for it even more. He sure worked hard for this.

"Earlier before I called you out here to play." He answered gleefully. "I remembered what Grandpa said last night so I decided to make this." He looked at me. "Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a castle like this as a house?"

"You know, as our house."

"I agree!" I happily responded despite feeling embarrassed. "Yes, that would really be amazing Drew!"

"And I'll be your personal knight ready to protect you from any dragons!" He bragged. He stood up and posed like some noble fairytale character.

"Nah, I'd like you rather as my prince." I answered and stood right beside him.

"A prince?" He contemplated.

"Yep! If we're gonna live in a castle then you might as well be my prince." I said sweetly. "You can't stay by my side if you won't be my prince you know."

He paused and thought for a while.

"Yeah, a prince." He nodded. "I'll stay by your side as your prince."

"And as your prince, we might as well get our snack at my house!" He dragged me again out of the sand box. "Come my princess! Your prince won't be able to protect you from dragons if he's hungry!" He shouted as we made our run out of the playground coupled with both of our laughter.

Our shadows raced us as the setting sun was halfway into setting on the horizon behind. The late afternoon breeze swept our dirt-stained clothes as we passed by some people on our way to Drew's house.

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