Chapter Twenty Four: Bad At Being Lonely

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Brianna's POV

"An I-owe-you-maybe-a-scoop-of-ice-cream has turned to a lunch together and shopping." I munched on the cheeseburger I ordered a few minutes ago. "Lovely. This sure has grown quickly into something huh."

"Hey it's not all bad." May retorted, sipping on her cola. "I paid for all of this."

After ambling aimlessly around this damn huge mall for almost an hour, we finally found a fast food restaurant we could settle our hunger with.

"Because of course I wouldn't be here if you hadn't." I rolled my eyes at her. She quickly shifted her gaze from me the moment I flicked my eyes at her.

I sighed and cleared my throat. "This whole situation, I mean everything, is, you know, off."

"What do you mean?" She replied.

I shot her a disapproving look. "You know what I mean. Mapl- Hayden."

She laughed awkwardly which confirmed my suspicion.

"You don't possibly think that I would just presumably think the whole time that it's completely normal and rational that you, the girl I absolutely loathe with all my being, would like to have me, the one who almost murdered you last night, to accompany you to do something so simple that even with a child of your mental capacity could actually do without trying. Unless of course I may have turn you into a complete disabled last night, but clearly that's not it. More so buy me free lunch." I deadpanned. "The gig is up. Spill it or I'm going home. Last chance. You're trying something here."

"Uhm.." She breathed in deeply and looked down. "O-okay, uh."

"What is it? Hurry." I demanded.

She panicked in her seat "O-okay, straight to the point." And she searched frantically inside her red shoulder bag. "Here!" She forcefully closed her eyes in anticipation and handed me an envelope.

"Is this what this day is all about?"

Anger started to boil inside me.

"Tell me Drew didn't send you here to give me this."

"N-no no no." She answered immediately. "Drew didn't send me here to give you this. Not at all. Please believe me Brianna." She was trying to hide her panic but it was just too painful to see how much she failed at hiding it.

She is so lame.

"Then how did you know about this? Do you even know what this is?" I threw the envelope on the table. I enraged silently in my seat, careful of not attracting anything or anyone.

"Drew told me." She gulped silently. "About you...about your family."

"Drew told you?!" I wasn't able to keep it all that I exploded. I was honestly surprised, but more than that, I was offended. "How dare him! The nerve of him! Screw him!" I stood up and glared at her, my anger pilling up and up like the snow outside. "Why would he tell you?! How much did he tell you?! Tell me! I seriously can't believe this right now!"

"No! Brianna. No..." May tried reasoning out. "Tha-that's be-because it was my fault in the first place. I asked, last night, he didn't want me to know, but I forced him. It is my fault. I'm sorry okay. This isn't Drew's fault at all." Her voice slowly piped down. "Don't hate him."

"You're a thousand years late witch! I've hated him ever since."

We were pulling out a scene, and slowly people were watching us. They disgusted me as much as the people I hated in LaRousse.

I was suddenly brimming with hate.

I don't care about her ramblings, I don't care about Drew talking to her about my whole damned life, I don't care about the thickening audience, I don't care about the whispering people. I went blind with hatred.

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