Chapter Five

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I search the kitchen and the lounge room to find both rooms desolate. I look out the windows to find a dark world peering back at me. I find a switch beside the window and flip it. The world outside suddenly becomes illuminated and to my relief, Loren isn't out there either, I was really not going out there after this strange day. This day has been way too bizarre for my liking. I don't know if I should go with my gut and trust these people or do what any logical person would, take my chances and run for the hills. How does the sweet, delicate and vulnerable Evie that I have come to know and begin to remember, kill a man? She can't possibly have the will power after the break down I just witnessed, or even the bodily strength to kill a fully grown man. Could she? She is tall yes, but she has a considerably slim frame compared to the considerably bulkier frame of the man and no visible muscle to even assume that she is trained in at least self-defence. I chalk the monsters up as a figment of her imagination for now, not that I think Evie is crazy or anything, I'm just not sure what to believe right now. Shaking my head I clear my mind of the complicated situation and walk upstairs to the base of the landing and stare down the hallway. One of these doors has to be Loren's. My mind drifts into images of what his room might look like for such a stoic and unreadable man. Does he have a sitting chair in the corner where he reads his favourite book? Does he fall asleep in his bed or the sitting chair after a good chapter? Does he dream? What would a man so obviously detached even dream of? I audibly sigh as I realise I am obviously way to curious for my own good. I tread past the first door on the right seeing my tell-tale, pearly white door and pad down the carpeted hallway and admire the dark wine red walls. The world around me begins to spin and for a moment the white and red blend together as if an artist had splashed a gooey red paint onto a canvas of pure white. Amongst the swirl and twist of the colours a deep and sultry voice echoes around me in an inaudible whisper. I feel myself tilt sideways. The sudden feeling of falling awake me and my vision restores and I'm back standing in the hallway dizzy, I regain my balance and once again have to shake my mind off another complicated situation. I continue my trek down the hallways determined to find Loren and push all the whispers to the back of my mind. I find myself standing outside the door opposite from mine. To open or not to open? Images of a Victorian era torture chamber with blood stained floors come to mind. I knock on the door quietly then place my ear up against the cool wood. No cries of terror or whimpers for help sound through. They could be dead? Or gagged? More images of shackles chained to the walls and wooden chairs with restraints nailed to the floor flit through my mind. Throwing caution to the wind I open the door slightly, just enough to peek through with one eye. To my surprise my nose is assaulted with the smell of lemons instead of rotting flesh. Maybe they keep their torture chamber sterile for the sake of longevity, can't torture prisoners if they are already dead. I open the door further and slide in for curiosity's sake. Once inside I shut the door to ensure I am not found in here without at least a way to stall time and what better to stall time with then a locked door? I cling to the wall to find a light switch, my fingers fumble on something and suddenly the room is bathed in a bright yellow light chasing away any theories of an interrogation room. Instead of a chair nailed to the floor there is a bath/shower that is large enough to fit three people stands in front of me against, might I add, clean white tiled walls with no blood in sight. To my right, instead of shackles I find a toilet, a wall length mirror above dark wooden cabinets lining the wall accompanied by two large white porcelain basins. Shit. Well this doesn't help solidify my kidnapper theory, which seems to be turning out to be just that, a theory. Although my kidnapper theory is near to being void something is still going on. These people aren't telling me something and I'm going to find out what it is, even if it means staying with Loren, Dauson and Evie for a little while longer, despite my feeling that they aren't the regular, every day variety of human.

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