Chapter Sixteen

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Naturally Dauson told Loren and Evie about this new discovery. So as we lay on the grass outside watching the stars, we discuss our current predicament.

"Honestly guys, what do we really know about me? Clearly you all didn't know me as much as you thought you did. And well, we all know I'm useless in this instance." I say staring at a particular cluster of stars that suspiciously look almost like a cooking pot. Only if I could remember a little more about Blaine. I either need to crack that door open soon or find a way to access some of our memories.

"Actually Liss, you might not be so useless after all." Dauson says looking at me with hopeful eyes. "Oh gee, thanks for putting that down lightly." I reply sarcastically as a small blush creeps up Dauson's cheeks. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I just..." He stammered off.

"It's okay Dauson. We know what you mean" Evie says kindly, trying not to giggle.

"So why is Alyssa not as," Loren stumbles off. "What is it that she could help with Dauson?" He finishes.

"Well, she is the one with the answers you know. It's like waking up from a dream, you remember having the dream, bits and pieces of it anyway. But then it slips away. Just like the dream, if you keep looking deep enough you usually find it again. Alyssa is no different, she just needs to find a way to collect and gather her memories and we can find out who she was before she met us." Dauson finishes triumphantly, "And remember who she was with us of course." He adds. I can feel his grin even across Evie's body, who lays beside me.

"That's actually not a bad idea," Loren says surprised, "Although, someone needs to be with her at all times whenever she tries to recollect a memory. We don't know for sure what has happened in her life and how remembering so much will affect her. We don't want to lose everything we have achieved in the last month to an early sleep." He finishes. He has a point, but if I intend on finding Blaine, I'll have to do some sessions by myself. "Am I really that emotionally unstable and useless. Love you too guys." I reply in jest, smiling from ear to ear. I could hear Evie chuckling to herself, "Men!" we both complain in unison. "You guys sure know how to compliment a girl." I stand up and brush off the dry grass from my hair and retread back to my room. "Hold up." Loren calls out. I open my door again, keeping my hand on the handle. "Can we talk?" He asks. Oh no. "Sure, come in." I say despite my queasiness. He's been keeping silent since the mention of Blaine. Did he know that I had a boyfriend? Did I even tell him? I step aside and let him in, closing my door quickly, ready to get this conversation over and done with. Once again I sit on my window seat and Loren sits on my bed. "You and that window seat..." He starts to say but I cut him off, "I know. I liked it before the whole memory thing." He shares a sad smile. "Not just before your memories, but also whenever you woke up with your memories gone. We'd always find you sitting on it and staring out the window for hours." He says. Interesting. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I ask.

Loren looks at me with those intense and hopeful eyes, he moves from the bed and is standing in front me in a blink of an eye. I stand up from my window to meet him. Averting my gaze from his own penetrating stare, he places one curled finger underneath my chin and lifts my gaze onto him. He leans down and presses his lips against my forehead. I wrap my arms around him smelling a deep mix of coconut, spices and just him. He wraps his arms around me and leans his chin on the top of my head. Oh god, I could stay here forever. I feel safe. He feels like my protector, that if any harm would come to me he'd be there to fend it off. A slight tugging began at my heart, at first I thought it was my growing affection for Loren but it suddenly grew fainter when I tried to reach for it. It's like a dream. Blaine. The door creaked open and suddenly I could feel him. Calling for me, yearning to know where I was, to know I was safe. I call out to him in a surge of happiness. "Angel, I am safe." I let the door close again afraid Loren may have noticed the change in my mindscape. I open my eyes and find I was still in Loren's arms. "Are you okay?" He asks slightly worried, brushing a tear that had escaped. I let go of him and stumble back a bit. "It's just been a big day. See you in the morning?" Loren looks at me for a while longer, "Sure. have a good sleep." He walks out and closes the door behind him. "You too." I whisper in reply.

I sit at the kitchen bench with a cup of coffee in my hands, the intoxicating smell wafts around my nose. The steam and hot liquid still burn my taste buds when I try to sip it so I sit and contemplate. Last night after I spoke to Blaine I had a dream, well a memory that came to me in the form of a dream.


Some Time Ago

I sigh, letting the warmth of my breath fog up the window of my car. I hate the cold. I climb out of the car, legs stiff and nose frosting at the tip. Burying myself further into The chilly wind nips at my cheeks and stings my eyes. I fucking hate the cold. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep my mind off of the desert winter night. I make my way towards the house that stands in front of me. I feel the familiar eyes of the night tingle down my spine. I shift slightly to peer into the darkness hoping to catch a glimpse at the angels who follow me. There's no point in hiding who I am. They know who I am, they know where I am. I smirk at their surprising ability to keep to the shadows and not feel the need to kill me right this moment. Or any of the other times they were following me, watching, calculating, hunting. "Come for me" I whisper within their minds. A gasp escapes from the depths of the darkness. Figure that one out. I laugh at their shock, laugh at their predictable reactions to a challenge, at how I know more than the almighty angels of God. I push the heavy door open, step inside, and let the fiery warmth engulf me.

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