Chapter Thirteen

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I was in the same white plane Loren and I were before the memory replay.

"Alyssa?" Says a deep voice

"Loren?" I ask

"Yes, it's me Alyssa" He says.

"Why do you sound different?" I ask skeptically. Silence. Is it Loren, or is it someone else? More silence. I start to become anxious.

"It's me, Loren, I assure you Alyssa it is only I here." The voice was brimming with emotion so powerful I was compelled into believing him.

"I believe you."  I say adding a note of sympathy into my voice hoping he will forgive me.

"I'm glad you do." Replies the tiny voice of Loren.

Now he truly didn't sound like himself. I immediately started to worry, "Loren? What's wrong? Was it something I said?"  I ask distressed.

"No, it's just been so long since you have remembered me." Loren's voice sounding hoarse as a sob escapes his lips.

"You are crying?" I question.

"Yes." Came the whisper from the distance that I could barely make out. "We are going again."

Before I could reply I was swept away into another obscured scene.

The first thing that came to me was the smell of flowers, and chocolate.

I realise I was back in Loren's room, I turn around the room and see there was a window in the wall. Loren's room doesn't have a window. I hear something behind me, my vision swung around to Loren standing in front of his closet, shirtless. I inwardly smirked, thinking why Loren would have wanted me to see this part of his memory. Loren put on a red t-shirt that had frayed at the sleeves accompanied with black denim jeans that hung low on his hips sensually. A knock sounded at the door from downstairs. Loren quickly tousled his hair a little bit to give him the appearance of a rugged boy and rushes down the stairs to greet the visitor.

My vision drifts and tries to catch up with Loren as he jumps over the couch and stands behind the door for a second to calm himself down. He opens the door to see Alyssa standing there with a small box in her arms. "Hi there!" Alyssa says happy as ever. Loren peers past her at the small blue Volkswagen polo, filled with boxes. "Hey, would you like a hand with all that?" Loren askes pointing towards the box in her hands. "Oh, this is my groceries from my old roommate's house, you guys can take whatever you want. But I'm pretty sure the bread might be a bit moldy. But it would be great if you could grab my stuff out of the boot?" She says fingering the loaf of bread sitting on top wrapped in plastic in mild curiosity and disgust. Loren opens the door further and steps out of Alyssa's way to let her in as she plops the box on the kitchen counter. My view switches around to Loren walking towards the car and out the door, soon enough we were back inside as Loren carries two suitcases trailing behind him and a duffel bag slung over one shoulder, up the stairs and into the room across from the bathroom. It's my room! I must have moved in with The Bright's eventually, but why? Wouldn't I be living with my parents? Why was I previously living with a roommate? Loren opens the door to my room. Instead of the beautiful warmth filling room I remember, I am greeted with a cold and distant one with white walls and a bed frame covered in dust. Soon enough I hear footsteps bounding up the stairs coming towards the room, and in pops Alyssa, she walks in and stands next to Loren. Loren speaks first in that honey voice of his, "This will be your room, it might need a bit of work though." looking around at the dirt covered room. Alyssa brushes hands with Loren and walks further in contemplating on what she will do with it. "It's a bit dull, but I can change that." Says Alyssa turning around to smile at Loren who is still blushing from the brief touch of hands. "You can bring furniture in, paint the walls, do whatever you want really." Loren replies trailing off, "Well, are you alright with unpacking the rest of the stuff? I have to go pick up something from town." Alyssa nods and turns away from him busily fussing about the room. The scene dissipates in front of me.

Loren continues to show me more of his memories, going on little trips like camping, or to visit a nearby town for the weekend. Dauson teaching me some self-defense, Evie dragging me off to the mall and the movies or sitting on the couch with a bucket of ice cream bawling our eyes out while watching The Lovely Bones. Memories between him and I. Some I recall, others are still to return. Loren and I sitting on the porch outside at night, his arms around me, keeping me safe and secure. Stealing kisses from me in between classes. By the time we finished the literal trip down memory lane, it was dark outside and I felt like a boat being rocked about by stormy seas. My head was spinning with memories, ones shown from him and my own mind adding bits and pieces onto it, remembering tiny details. I somehow manage to get into decent pajamas and crawl into bed. I was out before my head even hit the pillow.

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