Chapter Twelve

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Loren sighs loudly and stares into my eyes, "put your hand on my heart." Loren says as I place my hand softly on his broad chest, noting the strong and muscular body under my fingers. Loren places his own hand over mine, covering the place where his heart lies. Loren whispers in another language as if speaking a wish into the wind.

I was being tugged at, it was nothing like being sucked into a darker place. It was as if I was floating through a bright light, warming my mind.

As soon as I opened my eyes I knew I wasn't in Loren's room any more.

"No you are not," says Loren.

I look around to find where he was but I couldn't, all I saw was brightness, just a white abyss. I peered down at my arms and legs to find nothing there.

Okay this is weird...

"Where are you?" I ask.

"I'm right here with you." His voice sounds back.

Right, where?

"What happened and why can't I see you?"

"Your conscious has temporarily been transferred into mine."

"What?" I say astounded.

"What we did can only happen between angel and angel, or a human who are connected with a bond or through parabatai, which is what we are. I've let you into my mind to explore my memories so I can more or less show you, you before the accident." Loren says taking an audibly shaky breath; "I haven't done this in a long time."


"Because I only ever did this with you and you've been gone for a while."

Oh. Well then, I might as well come straight out with it.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Loren replies.

"Have you tried this before, with me? I mean like after the whole amnesia thing."

"No." Lauren replies forcefully.

"So why are you starting now?" I ask suddenly curious.

"Something has changed Alyssa. You don't normally remember so much, or understand what you remember so quickly. Usually you don't come out of your room as much or even say a word to us for ages until it is too late and your..." He trails off not able to finish the sentence.

I think I'm beginning to understand why he's been so, Loren-ish. That's a good way to explain it I laugh to myself.

"Okay, I think I'm ready."

A colorful scene suddenly ruptures in front of me.

"Loren!" I yell out suddenly dizzy

"Yes?" He replies.



The scene stops mid transformation, it was all a blur of bright and dark colors.

My head, well, conscious I guess, stopped spinning.

"Can you only show me the important things please? I, I just want to know who you are, how we met, what happened to me."

"Sure, I will be here the whole time. Just call for me."

"Okay, and can you warn a girl next time you do that angel stuff?"

"My angel stuff?" He scoffed. "I'm starting the scene again."

"Thank you."

The scene started to form again.

This time I open my eyes to a building built out of red bricks with concrete steps leading up to glass double doors. Next to the doors was a sign that read: 'Saria State School'. I look up to the sky and saw dark, angry clouds ready to drop the ocean on to the world. I look at my surroundings; the ground was covered in a brown deadness, with a few sticks protruding from the ground, bare of life. I could see various buildings, which I presume to be classrooms, scattered around the block of land. As I look onward to the path leading out of the school a long stretch of black road continued as broken and abandoned buildings and houses lined the way. As I turn back towards the school three people amble their way into my view. I guess that'd be Dauson, Loren and Evie. As they walk through the doors, I suddenly start to follow them and found myself in an open office crammed with chairs and boxes. A slightly overweight lady with puffed cheeks, and red frizzing hair sat at a desk where the three had lined up at. I float towards them and I brace for the impact on hitting the desk. Instead I found myself floating through the desk and the lady. That was weird. "Hi, we are the Bright family. We are supposed to be starting today." Said Loren cheerfully. The lady sitting at the desk looks up surprised to hear anybody give notice to her. She stares stunned at the three radiant siblings, back packs in hand, uniforms pressed and presentable, hair nice and neat, followed by polite attitudes. This lady looks like she has just seen an Angel. No pun intended. "Ah" the lady says, "Yes, you must be Dauson, Evie and Loren. The family from America?" she asks questioningly. Outside you could start to hear the rain's slight trickle and soon turn into pouring rain, it sounded like millions and thousands of drips pelting the roof above, as if wanting to be let in and out of the miserable brisk air.

Evie answers by nodding back and replying with a "Yes ma'am." "Well I am Mrs. Tanbar the office lady, so if you have any problems just come to me. Here are you class schedules," Mrs. Tanbar said scrabbling through the stack of papers strewn across her desk. "If I can find them within this clutter." She mumbles grudgingly to herself. Dauson shifts on his feet fidgeting with his backpack strap impatiently, all of a sudden the rain sounded louder and a bone-chilling wind drifted through the door that suddenly opened that made everyone shiver. Evie hugs herself trying to warm her skin that just about turned pink within the few brief seconds the door was open. Loren looks at the girl who walked in and had permit the cool air to surpass the heating in the small space. I follow Loren's bright green and gold eyes to what he was looking at, I gasp with surprise at who was standing in the door drenched, a puddle of water pooling at her feet as she shook out her hair and tied it up into a mess of a bun. It's me!! This must be where we first met, me and Loren... Happiness speeds through me like an infectious disease. "Good morning Mrs. Tanbar!" Alyssa's voice sung sweetly, gliding over towards the three new comers to stand next to Dauson. He stops his fidgeting and stares towards this strange girl, wet like a dog but with the cheer fullest of attitudes. "I believe the schedules you're looking for are still sitting on the printing machine in the front room, would you like me to get them?" I say eyeing Dauson suspiciously. "No, no it is fine. Although I do remember you are all in the same Home Room." Says Mrs. Tanbar thinking, "Oh yes, I remember! It was in the Blue building, room 4." Mrs. Tanbar says hurriedly as she scrambles out of her seat and into the front room. Loren, Dauson and Evie all turn to look at Alyssa with smiling faces, Alyssa turns to look at them politely, "You are in my home room!" Alyssa says pleasantly as she pulls out her gloved hand and offers it to Dauson "I'm Alyssa Tineheart, and you are?" Dauson slides his hand into hers, squeezing gently saying, "I'm Dauson Bright, and this is my Sister Eve Bright." He says Pointing to Evie as she too holds out her hand, Alyssa and her shook hands lightly. "Just call me Evie." Evie says smiling brightly. Alyssa turns to the third sibling and holds out her hand courteously, "You must be...?" Says Alyssa thinking, hand hanging in the air as Loren stands there fixated on Alyssa's eyes. "Oh, I'm Loren bright." Says the third sibling fumbling to pull his hand out from his pocket to grasp Alyssa's. Abruptly the scene changes, everything blurs into spots of colors and swirls.

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