Chapter Eight

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Walking back into my room I felt drawn towards the window and decided to sit on the window seat while Dauson made himself comfortable sitting cross-legged at the foot of my bed.

"Hey, where were you this morning? I couldn't find you in here" Dauson asked. Still processing the day's events, a feeling that I'm a patch of material lost to the whims of the wind overwhelms me. Everything that I thought I knew has been turned inside out and upside down to form an entirely new and surreal picture of the life I am living.

"I was hiding under the bed." I respond absently mindedly rubbing the base of my skull wincing in pain at the memory. "I didn't even think of there!" Dauson blurts out with a lilt, surprise creasing his eyes as he smiles his ever present, incandescent smile. He begins to chuckle as he shakes his head remembering his own version of this morning's events. The crook of my mouth tilt upwards briefly, finding Dauson's happiness infectious. "So Alyssa, about earlier..." Dauson trails off cautiously. I inwardly groan as I am reminded of what we truly are supposed to be discussing. Loren's emotionless face flashes through my mind, his eyes devoid, mouth set firm, jaw clenched at the mere sight of me. I turn towards my only solace, the window beside me and stare into its dark abyss. Dauson's voice rattles on in the distance, an echo in my ears. "He has an angel's voice, that much I know. Takes one to know one right?" Dauson chuckles awkwardly, "The issue is we can't discern if they were fallen, true or ill intent. The only thing that we know for sure is the source of it, and that source would be you." Still peering through the window, my mind tells me that this particular piece of information is something to listen too. Yet my eyes can only focus on the landscape that flitters over the hollow and taciturn desert in front of me. My heart begins to ache as I observe the infinite and seemingly vacant sky. Everywhere was a place to be filled, filled with scintillating, iridescent, diamond-like stars that glow with a blazing fierceness. A kaleidoscope of beauty that shimmers above the desolate and barren desert ground. I sigh and swivel back facing Dauson, "What do you mean I was the source?" I question. "Well, fallen angels and humans can bond in a special way. It is very rare but not an unheard of thing. For this to happen though, the angel and human must be deeply in love, or at the least very close, like brother and sister almost like parabatai. But that kind of friendship, loyalty and trust takes years to gain. Even then, both bond parties would have to own something from one another, a charm such as a locket with a strand of hair inside, or a vile of blood..." Dauson trails off with a troubled expression playing in his eyes. There is so much information I am swimming in that I'm almost drowning. "Ok, all of that I get, despite it being somewhat crazy to even be acknowledging it all to be sane, what is parabatai?" I ask. "Parabatai are two warriors who fight together in battle, the word used to describe two male lovers who fought together within the Sacred Band of Thebes an army created entire of homosexual men sometime in the 4th century. Parabatai these days can be between man and woman or woman and woman as well." I sit in silence, letting all the information sink in. Dauson takes it as his queue to continue, "When an angel and a human have a bond, they can read and feel each other's feelings and they can send each other messages through their minds." I perk up, "Like telepathy!" Dauson chuckles at my excitement, "Yes, something similar to telepathy, they can only speak to each other though, no one else. There are so many other let's say 'powers'" Dauson uses his hands to create quotation marks in the air to reiterate his point, "That come along with a bond but those I just mentioned are the main ones. And by what I saw happen today, I'd say they are the ones you somehow have."
So I'm telepathic with someone I knew in my previous life?
"So I have a bond with someone? Who?"

"Everything seems to point to that, but as far as I know, we were the only angels you knew."

I must have known another angel at least; someone I didn't want them to find out. But why?

"And you want me to tell you what this person sounds like?"

"Yes please."

Well. That shouldn't be too hard considering they were in my head... This is just strange. No strange doesn't begin to explain what this is.
"Okay." I looked out at the empty night again, contemplating if I should help Dauson, not that I don't trust him. From the looks of things my old self did, but she must have had some reason not to tell them of this person that obviously had a huge impact of my life. As far as I'm concerned I need to look out for myself and in doing that I must understand why I would keep secrets from currently the only friends I have.


"Yes Dauson?" I turn away from the window, feeling like the darkness is leaking into my body.

"If you don't want to, it's okay." Dauson looks at me with compassionate eyes and a sad smile on plastered onto his face. Lately I have figured, that eyes tell you everything about a person's emotions.

"It's fine. First of all, the voice is a he, he definitely had a deep voice with a slight English accent. His voice was also sort of melodic and beautiful which I'm now guessing just comes along with being an Angel." Dauson nods knowingly. "but he also sounded deeply terrifying."

Dauson starts to fiddle with his hands nervously at that. "No one we know has an English accent. Dauson suddenly looks upset, like he is struggling with the thoughts in his head.
"Hmm...?" Dauson turns my way but stares at a spot just beside me in deep thought.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask trying to stop whatever was going Dauson's head. I didn't like whatever pain was churning up there. Dauson stops fiddling with his hands. "Oh yeah! Sorry." Are all Angels this adorable? "I need to help you build up your mental walls again so we can block whoever was in there from getting back there. Just until we find out who they are." I nod at Dauson. I need to find out who this person is, as long as I'm in the dark about who I used to be then I will never regain my memories, especially since I wasn't just the person these people knew me to be. I need to speak to the English man and the only way I can do that is through this Parabatai bond of ours. "First you need to close your eyes." Dauson begins. Dauson closes his eyes, and so I follow. "Now you need to think of walls, any kind. They could be castle walls; your rooms wall or even just plain brick walls." Dauson's voice had softened. I picture a room with beautiful silver walls with gold vines that intertwine and cover the walls from roof to floor. Turning to my left I notice a section where the vines have untangled and hang limp. This must be the break that allows our bond to slither in. "Have you made a wall around our mind?" I jump, surprised when Dauson's voice reverberates within my mind. "Mmmhm" I reply preoccupied with staring past the vines and into a doorway that suddenly appeared behind them. "Good, good. Open your eyes now." I'll have to explore you another time. We both open our eyes simultaneously; I blink a few times regaining my surroundings.

"Now, make sure you keep those walls up 24/7 even while you are asleep. It is vital you do so, you don't want him coming back and looking into your dreams now do we?" Dauson laughs to himself.
"He should be more worried about your dreams than mine." I retort with a smirk.
"Ahh, the girl is learning." Dauson smiles back at me. "Now, I think it's time for me to go sleep for a week. Good night Liss."
"Good night Dauson. And thank you, for everything."

"No worries Liss." Dauson walks out and shuts the door behind him.

I stand up and shuffle through the wardrobe to find something comfortable to sleep in. I strip off my current clothing and slide into a pair of white flannelette pajamas. I hang my other clothes on the back of the chair sitting at my desk and shimmy into bed. I relax my entire body by de-stressing each muscle while snuggling into the sheets. Just as I was drifting to sleep I thought about bonding and if someone were in my head we'd have to be bonded. If only one human is bonded to one angel than how did Loren get into my head and push the other person out?

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