Chapter One

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A golden maine coon approached the kittens. He was not just a bit older than them. He took the tuxedo in arms, and his older brother, a silver tabby, the white one. The eldest... Well, he was not the fathering type. Their parents came along and saw the kittens.

"My dear, who leaves behind such poor, innocent youths in the middle of a snowstorm?" The mother (a very glamorous cat, by the way) cried in pity as she took the white kitten.
"Mommy, mommy, mommy! Can we keep them?" The maine coon squeaked
"Oh, I'm afraid it requires a lot of effort to raise kits this age. It's better if we take them to Jellylorum and Jennyanydots to check on their health and well-being and then let them find some place to stay. They need a loving family; warmth, cuddles... All of you needed some that age! But we're a family of five now, I don't think we can add two more. It's already enough with three revolting sons in the den!" The father chuckled. He, too, was a maine coon, and a big one indeed!
"Your father's right," She nodded with agreement, "It's not easy to take care of these kits."

Suddenly, the young tux mewed in annoyance of all the talking. He hissed and flattened his ears.
"Aw, don't you find me a good friend?" The maine coon purred, tilting his head.
The tux shook his head; that wasn't it at all! He found him and his sister, and wanted to keep them so they could feel the warmth and love that had been taken away from them as war started in their tribe. Of course he trusted him at first sight! He mewed and purred as he nuzzled the older tom, hinting that that's not what he meant.
"Hey, buddy, I get what you're hinting, but can't you speak?"
The tux looked up with shimmery eyes. He nodded a soft nod; he just didn't want to speak. He still didn't feel comfortable enough around the others.

"Don't pressure him, my son. Anyway, let's take them to Jelly and Jenny. I bet they have something to say about these adorable creatures." The mother began to pace towards a small den then knocked on the door.
An orange tabby queen opened the door, "Oh, it's you, Grizabella! So nice to see you. What is it that you're holding there—dear everlasting cat! A white kitten!" She took the kit in arms and led the others inside, "Ah, Tugger," she tilted her head, "Is that a tuxedo? The so-called cat-of-class? Come on, give him to me. I bet he needs some cuddling from a mother." She took the young tux in arms. But he began to hiss and growl: he didn't want to be taken away from his new friend's arms. He was perfectly fine there.
"No, you don't do that! You're a cat of class! Aren't you supposed to be nice? Jellylorum! Come and see what Grizabella and Deuteronomy, and their sons have brought us!" She called out for the other queen.

A bit younger queen, yet around her 30s, came as well. She cooed as she saw the young pair of kits, "My, my, my... Look at these gorgeous bundles of joy! I wonder if they will let themselves be checked out, will they?" She leaned forward to meet the pair and smiled.

The nursing queens led the family of five inside as they took the pair of kits with them, "So, Jelly... Would you go first with the tom?" Jenny cuddled the white kitten.
"Sure, my friend. I'm pretty sure he'll be able to stand this small shot I'm going to give him." She pulled out a small kneedle, but as soon as she put it into the tux's neck he began to squirm and yowl loudly. This shot wouldn't even hurt an animal smaller than him! So why would he react like that?
"This is worrying. He felt threatened and hurt as I put the kneedle. This doesn't harm anyone. It doesn't hurt. It's too small to cause any pain. Even a sting!" She mewed to her nursing friend in concern.

Jenny nodded in agreement, "Something must be wrong with him. Take him to the operation room. We might check what he has." She purred softly as she laid the white kit where her brother was previously.
Jellylorum took the tux to the room and checked him carefully, "Hush. I know you're uncomfortable with me doing this but it's for your own good, okay, sweetie?" She examined the weak spots of his body. He was sensitive everywhere. What I'm trying to say is that if he falls, even from a disproportionate small gap, he could fracture some bones.

She returned and faced the Royal family of five, "I'm afraid, that if you want to adopt these kittens, you may have to be really careful of them. Might have four eyes all day long on the tom, mostly. His body is too weak. If you play any extreme games with him he can get hurt easily. It's not normal, I know, but..." She stopped and sighed, "This is so sad."

"I still want to adopt them both," Tugger puffed out his chest proudly, "And I'll be the one to keep four eyes twenty-four seven on this little tom!"
"But Tugger, you're too young for this kind of responsibility. Why don't you leave Macavity and Munk—"
"Actually, let him take the tux. I don't want to watch over kits." Macavity, the eldest (a ginger tabby), interrupted abruptly.
"Well, okay then... But look at me, Tugger. You're gonna be taking him to us every three months to check on how he's doing and how much you've done so far for him. If we notice you're not doing enough we're going to take him with us, understood?" She leaned and muttered this.
He nodded softly, "Understood, Ms Jellylorum."
"Alright. We believe in you." She gave him the small tuxedo kitten.

My, as they glared at each other, you could tell how much they loved each other already. It was like love at first sight, except it was like a family love. Closeness, warmth. That's what it was.

Munkustrap decided to take care of the whit kitten, "So, you're telling me she's deaf? Oh... Well, I'll try my best, too."

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