Chapter Two

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They returned to their den and as soon as they did, Tugger plopped down gently on his bed-like basket with his new adopted brother, "So, what am I to name you?" He tilted his head.
"You're asking me this? Mother always said I had name when I asked her because she never mentioned my name. She just said I didn't deserve it." The tuxedo spoke softly, mentioning the 'S's like the 'Th' sound.

Macavity entered the room out of nowhere. The tux quickly hid behind Tugger, shivering.
"Ah, come on. Don't be afraid of me. I do no harm." He chuckled, smirking, "I overheard you have a gift but no name. So, mind me giving you a name based on your gift?"
"Back off, Mac! I'm in charge of this tux!" Tugger hissed protectively.
"I'm not talking to you, you miserable idiot. Anyway, I'll have a look at y—ah! I've found the perfect name! For you are capable of keeping any soul safe within yourself, you shall be named a diminutive of Mephistopheles: Mistoffelees."
"You do realize that's still hard for him to pronounce, brother."
"No, we're calling him that. You wouldn't call yourself Tugger instead of 'me', would you? Idiot."

He left the room slowly in pride, proud that he had named his brother's tux.

Tugger faced Mistoffelees, "Don't worry, he really does no harm. He's just menacing-like."
Mistoffelees nodded slowly, "That sounds true." He giggled and grinned.
His grin was a sign that he felt happy—elated, more like—just to be with his new family, especially with the one who had found him. He was sure he was going to love him all his life.

"So, what do you think of us?" Tugger muttered.
"What do you mean?"
"You know, we're not 'revolting' are we?"
Mistoffelees shook his head, "Not at all... At least not now. Some cats that I have met have asked me this question before and they all turned out to be the exact same thing they thought they weren't."
Tugger snorted and laughed, "W-Well, I think that can go well for me."
"You know yourself already at this age?"
"And you already know what that means at your age? Like, everything of what you just said?"

Silence filled the room entirely. It was like the silence before a chaos fight started. Or maybe it was just awkward silence.

Mistoffelees repeatedly poked the Tugger. Tugger himself was patient at first, because he found it cute, but then began to get annoyed.

"Stop it, Misty." He hissed softly.
"Aww, come on. I'm bored; don't we have anything better do?"
"Hmm... I have an idea! Come with me—I know a good place!"
"Where is th—"
"Shush! No-one else knows this place, really." Tugger's voice became a slight whisper.

Mistoffelees just looked up at him with a confused look, but Tugger smirked and signaled him over and over, up until the little tux  was convinced.

The two began paddling towards some place, "Close your eyes."
"What, why?"
"I'll tell you when to open them. You just follow me by my scent."

Again, the younger one was confused. What was it that Tugger wanted to show him? He began to question himself if he could trust him anymore; maybe he'd leave him alone in this 'some place' and never return. These thoughts were beginning to scare him. Why would Tugger take him 'somewhere' when they just met? And, hell, how does he even know these places exist? The maine coon was not just a bit older than him, so... Why? Mistoffelees needed an answer to these questions. How much longer till we arrive, he murmured to himself, I don't want to be left alone there.

"Here we are: open up!" Tugger squeaked.

Mistoffelees did as told. My, what an amazing scene this was! A breathtaking view, wasn't it?
There was a beautiful moon up in the nightsky. It wasn't snowing anymore and the sky was clear. All the stars could be seen above. He stepped forward. He let out a scream when he felt like falling down.

"Be careful! You shall not cross borders. It's against the rules."
"W-What? Borders? Why would you have borders?"
"Ohreleon..." Tugger sighed, "They're a nice tribe; nobody knows why they got into their own war."

Ohreleon? Why, that was where Mistoffelees was born!

"Ohreleon you say?"
"Yes. Many kits are being left by their parents by taking them somewhere safer; no different than you, really."

The tux stayed silent: how did he know?
"Tugger, you are scaring me."
"Scaring you? Why?"
"Because you are saying so many things ... "

The poor little tux couldn't find what to say.

"I'm sorry. I'm just very excited to have a new member in the family, and that I have brought him to this place no-one has stepped paw for many years!" Tugger grinned wide: perhaps he wasn't such a big threat after all.

Both kittens had fallen asleep quickly without noticing, and once Mistoffelees realized they were still there he panicked; they would get caught. He knew this because he also knew that the rest of the family would get worried and come looking for them. But, apparently dawn began to show and there were no signs of them being traced. Mistoffelees nudged the Tugger awake, "Hey you! Why did we stay outside?" He asked in a simple whisper.

Tugger mumbled some words before completely opening his eyes. He jolted when he caught the tux's question, "Golly! It's already dawn-time! How fast asleep were we?" He giggled softly
Misto shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe too fast; we would've been home if not."
"You're right. But we should be heading  home, too. It's not too late until they come looking for us." Tugger stood up and shook himself slightly.

Misto also stood up and began following Tugger once again. He looked  over his shoulder: my, they had slept in a forest! And a beautiful one indeed.
If only it wasn't the place where Ohreleon—where he was born, as said—and the Jellicles divided into two. This made him even more upset; just to think that his parents left him and Victoria because of the 'war that broke out in the tribe'. Well, at least they didn't leave us in the middle of nowhere, he thought. He let out a small sigh, which was enough for Tugger to look back and ask: "Are you okay, Mistoffelees?"
Misto nodded quickly but softly, "I am, why?"
"You just sighed... But it was like a sad sigh."
"It is... Kind of..."

Tugger frowned a little at the words of the younger one. He seemed to know what was going on in the little tuxedo's head.

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