Chapter Six

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Tugger was expecting for everyone in the junkyard come looking him, even though he didn't want to be found or taken back to the area. He didn't want to see anyone at all. Poor little Mistoffelees was in a comma all because he tried saving him. But I didn't do anything in return, Tugger thought, I shall suffer like a true sinner.
A kitten this age having those thoughts—my, it's the guilt he's feeling! He's not thinking himself, it's his guilt talking.


Various days passed, and Tugger was actually very surprised to notice that no-one had come to look for him yet. He was out there, by himself. All that he was eating was the pond fish (which were actually very small) and a few mice. The squirrels and rabbits were too fast, and the robins and canaries were much too high up on the tree branches, which he didn't dare climb: how would he come down?
He'd drink his water from the very same pond where he got the fish, though it wasn't very clean. Sooner or later, he began feeling sick. But he didn't want to go back anytime soon.

"I promised to the Everlasting Cat that I'd do what it takes to equal Mistoffelees' suffering."

Yet little did he know he was going overboard.
One of those days, he fell too ill. He lay on the leaves he kept as a bed all day long, without moving a muscle. Suddenly, just about midnight, he heard familiar voices coming from the North.

"Do you think he could be around here?"
"I don't know, Jenny. It's been a week and a half and he's nowhere to be seen. He's never stepped paw on this area. I just..."
"Calm down, darling. I'm pretty sure he's alright."
"Everlasting, please tell me he isn't dead—he's still a kit!"
"We'll find him alright, Grizabella!"

Ha! They'd come for him at last. He knew he had stayed enough time considering how he was feeling: he gave a cry for help.
Jenny heard the cry from afar and began dashing towards it, "Come! We're not too far!"
The two worried queens came up to the young Maine coon.
"Everlasting, look at you! What have you done to yourself, you poor creature?" Jenny cooed, then turned to face the Queen of Beauty, "I'm afraid I must take him. He's not in a good state."
"My kitty! Oh, I wish I had arrived at the yard sooner—or should've left later." Grizabella purred sadly.
"No, mom. I chose to be like this."
The female duo looked at each other with confused looks, "Wait... What?"
"It's nothing," he chuckled, "I wanted to try out the wild lifestyle. But I see 'twas a bad idea."
"Yes, it was. You're coming with me today." Jenny faced Grizabella again, waiting for her response. Grizabella nodded in agreement.

Jenny walked to her and Jelly's den, slowly opening the door. She was happy to see the other queen there, "Look who's here, Jellylorum."
"My, where was he?" Jelly got up to meet the young Maine coon.
"In the forest, of course." Jenny laid him on one of the guest beds.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Why would he run away to where there's no good food or water resources?"
"I don't know, Jelly. But it appears to me that he isn't in a good condition."
"I have a feeling he tried to find an excuse to stay beside the tux."
"No. He was at home when I told him that Mistoffelees was in a comma."
"But look at his state! I know it was an intention."

At this point, Tugger decided to speak up, "Yes, it was intentional!"
"Wh-Why?! Tugger, look at me. If it's because you're feeling guilty you couldn't protect Mistoffelees from your brother then I shall tell you it was a stupid thing to do. Excuse my language but..."
"Tugger, promise us you won't do it again."

He didn't say a word. It's like they had read his mind. He just nodded slowly.

"But since you're here with us now—and sick as a Poll—maybe we can put you to sleep in the same room. That's if you're not carrying any dangerous contagious disease than you can pass onto him. Have you been eating pond fish?"
"Yes, I have, Jenny."
"Well, I guess this means a risk of parasites. I assume the pond water wasn't clean?"

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