Chapter Eleven

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The time had come. Mistoffelees took a deep breath before slamming shut the door behind him. He couldn't believe he was to fight Macavity—all because of his magic.
All of the cats began wishing him good luck, and some wished mercy on him.
But there's nothing to be afraid of, he thought. But the thing is, Mistoffelees... Whenever he thought of Macavity, he thought he felt the same way Tugger felt for him. Maybe because they had something in common—and maybe they had more.
"I can't be serious. I must be joking with myself—this is ridiculous! How am I gonna fall for a fiendish feli–argh! He's gorgeous!" He squealed, "I've never seen such a face, and those shiny lime-green eyes..." He murmured to himself.
Though, Tugger could hear him for he was lying on a nearby pile. He rose up when he heard the tux—he got a little excited.
"...And I wish, instead of splattering his blood all over my fur, to rub myself against his chest on his red-ginger-like fur."
Tugger's jaw hung ajar—this tux was speaking of Macavity himself! He wasn't jealous, but shocked, "How the fuck...?"
Mistoffelees turned to face Tugger, fur bristling. He covered his muzzle with his paws, "T-Tugger, no... Look, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but it's just I... I have no idea of what I'm saying! Maybe it's my fear talking even! And if not, I-I don't know, I... I..."
"Hush, that's enough. I have feeling that battle won't last long." Tugger teased, grinning—and he grinned to hide that he was hurt. He sulked his head when Mistoffelees ran to where the battle would be. He was too hurt. All those years of taking care of that tux were going to waste if Macavity and Mistoffelees mated. Tugger knew his brother better. He knew that Mistoffelees would get abused if he ever decided to stay with the ginger tabby. And it was not just that, but Tugger was... deeply and madly in love with Mistoffelees now. He knew he wouldn't bear to see the tom he raised and whom he was in love with die or get beaten up severely before his eyes. He clenched his fists and teeth, but he kept his cool and lay back down. His mind began darkening; he was becoming depressed. He didn't want to go to the center and catch the queens' attention like he did. Suddenly, he heard Etcetera come by his side. She puckered her muzzle like a jar, pawing him on the shoulder.
Tugger pushed her away softly, turning his head towards another angle. That was his do-not-want-talk body language.
Etcetera pawed him again, "What happened, Tugger?"
"I lost the love of my life to my fiend-like brother, that's what. Look, you know how much effort I put to keep Mistoffelees secure and healthy, but he's under-appreciating it all by wanting to mate with Macavity."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Tugger."
"No, it's okay, Etcy. Things like these happen everyday."
"But he broke your heart! You love him but he chose Evil Cat."
"Yeah, I'm just as surprised. Macavity used to hurt him, but I don't know what got him to it. But I'll let it be. I may find someone else someday."

The battle began. The ginger tabby flashed the tux a menacing look, before giving a slight grin and chuckling, "My, my, my... Look how much you've grown! You're becoming a tom, Mistoffelees. That body is well-built for such a young cat like you."
No, Mistoffelees, don't get distracted, Misto thought to himself.
"Well, your fur has been getting rather..."
It's beautiful, it's beautiful! He thought, "B-beau—messy and gross; you should see it for yourself!"
I can't do this!
Macavity tilted his head, "You were gonna say something else, weren't you?"
"N-No! I truly believe you should take care of your precious f—fuck!" Misto pommeled his face hard.
"Are you hitting on me, eh, Tux?"
All the cats surrounding the two gasped and gagged. Tugger closed his eyes, trying to forget this tiny moment.

Mistoffelees could feel his cheeks go red. He was very embarrassed.
The ginger tom approached him, "You know, I've been thinking about it, too."
Tugger perked up his ears. Was Macavity luring the tuxedo?
"I knew you liked me. I knew all along, since the very first day. You just denied it because you didn't want anyone to think of you as a traitor." Macavity pulled Mistoffelees close to him, wrapping a paw around the tux's waist.
Mistoffelees was even redder now. He gazed up at those lime-green eyes of the taller tom. He couldn't hold it in anymore—he stood on his toes to reach the other's height to meet his muzzle.

Everyone was, well, shocked. Tugger swore under his breath as a growl formed in his throat afterwards.
He was surely heartbroken—and jealous at this. He left the area in a flash, and Munkustrap took notice.
The silver tabby ran after the Maine coon, "Tugger!" He called out.
"What is it?!" Tugger snarled furiously, gritting his teeth.
"Okay, first of all, you need to calm down. Say, he still loves you in some way, no?"
"No, he calls me 'a terrible bore' nowadays, and I clearly understand. We aren't as close as we used to be back in the day."
"Come on, he calls you that because he finds it annoying that—like you said—you aren't as close as you were. He just needs some love from the tom he once looked up at like a brother. Now, give those two a chance. I personally don't think they will last long because..." Munkustrap let out a heavy sigh, "You know, Macavity... He's not loyal, he'd never been, especially when Mistoffelees and Victoria arrived. He was filled with anger and hatred already. Fiora had destroyed his trust, and now he's—"
"Wait, did you just say Fiora?"
"Yeah, what about her?"
"Dude, she was Mistoffelees' cousin and Alonzo's sister!"
"Yes, but Lonz never met her. You know, he was born here, but she died an Orelean."
"H-How, I'm confused?"
"Before the war started yet when it was already being planned, Bustopher and Goldie thought it was too dangerous to keep themselves there and decided to bring their kits here. Remember how you pawed Goldie's tummy when she was pregnant?"
"Ah, yes. But I never really knew Fiora was their daughter."
"Because she was older and you must have probably thought she was another cat, and probably soon after Alonzo was born she must have started going out with Macavity. But she dumped him over another Orelean tom—after Macavity caught them together (as Goldie told me). She decided to go back, but she was killed in the war."
"I also remember Mistoffelees saying that he saw his cousin get brutally scarred and bitten; torn apart. He was traumatized, I know."
Tugger groaned and combed back his head-fur, "But these two are gonna mate anytime soon. I don't want Macavity abusing of the little tux and breaking his innocent and pure heart."
"Hey, just let it be. Only time will tell."

Munkustrap put a paw of comfort on the Maine coon's shoulder.
Tugger cringed at his thoughts. He just wanted Mistoffelees to be safe, nothing else. He was a cat who could differ from right and wrong, and knew it was wrong to separate the new match just because he was madly in love with the tuxedo.

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