Chapter Ten

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Mistoffelees returned to the den, looking for Tugger, wondering if he was there.
He knocked on Tugger's room door softly, "Tug?" He muttered.
The Maine coon opened the door, "Oh, it's you." He said in an unamused tone, "Well, you're too late. You should've returned sooner."
Tugger stared at Misto for a moment, then grinned, "That's the last joke I'll ever make, I promise. Come on in." He hugged the tuxedo tight. Misto actually began to cry.
"Oh, why are you crying, Misty?"
"I'm so sorry! I am the reason why everyone thinks you're irresponsible and stupid!" The tux held onto the golden tabby tom tightly.
"I'd understand irresponsible but not stupid. I know I'm not stupid—I would be if I had left you outside; if I hadn't looked and cared for you." Tugger caressed Mistoffelees' ears softly, comforting him.
"Please don't tell anyone I did this."
"I won't—not like it's big of a deal."
Misto chuckled in relief, tears still running down his cheeks, "Thank you."


About six years passed by: the Tugger was nineteen, and Mistoffelees sixteen.
The two had really separated in that time—Tugger indeed became the flirt of the yard, while Misto focused on his magic.
But the fact Tugger was now the center of attention bothered Misto quite a lot.
Not only him, but he'd realized the elder cats, and Munkustrap and Demeter were, too, bothered by it.
And it was even more annoying to know that Victoria (and Plato, but let's put that off tracks) was after him, too.
It was frustrating—not that he was jealous, but because it had made the Maine coon rather selfish and ignorant. He was filled with pride and arrogance.
That wasn't the Tugger he met, but then again, that very same tom told him There's a saying that goes 'Time flies'.

The tuxedo groaned at the thought, "Asshole." He murmured, "He just wants everyone to surround him. He doesn't care about anyone anymore—just his stupid reputation and looks.
I wish I could tell those little queens of Electra and Etcetera... And possibly Rumpleteazer, to stay faaaaaar away from him. No-one would want to date him and realize he's selfish as fuck!" He snorted and laughed hard at what he said last, "Idiot." He tutted.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. He went to open it and saw the tomcat he was thinking about, "Speak of the devil." He mumbled under his breath.
The Maine coon—whose mane was now actually pretty big—entered the den, softly pommeling the other on the shoulder, "Speak of the devil, you say? See, you like me!" He grinned and sat down on an armchair (Misto had it lying about—never really used it), crossing his leg and spreading his arms on it, "You just deny it; you don't want to look like a crazy, little queen near me."
This got the young tuxedo quite frustrated, "Shut up! I have no time for your flirting. Who invited you here, anyway?"
Tugger leaned over, "Well, Munkustrap came to tell me that I needed to tell you that Macavity has returned to the yard—and he's worse than before. He knows about your powers and wants to get hold of them," He stood up. "This means either he could kill you or trap you forever as his slave. You're an enemy to him, he would never make you a hench-cat if he were to keep you alive." He sighed deeply, putting his paws on the tux's shoulders, "I know you and I are in bad terms nowadays, but that doesn't mean I've stopped caring about you as much as I did back in the day. I want you to be safe as much as Munkustrap—and everyone else—does."
The Tugger left the den without saying anything else.

Macavity has returned, Mistoffelees thought in shock... and fear, And he wants to get hold of me.
"No, I won't let anything happen to me! I am an independent tuxedo tomcat now and no-one has the right to hurt me physically or mentally!" He snarled.

He stood where he was for a while, before looking down at the armchair Tugger had sat on. For some odd reason, he went to pick up the scent the golden Maine coon left. He flattened his ears, realizing he hadn't been around any queen lately. That was a little strange, since he always was, especially with Bombalurina. But it was not just that, he smelt of the cyan-glowing flowers of the Garden.
The two hadn't gone there for years, so why would the Tugger be there now?
Not to mention he said he still cared as much as he did back in the day. 
He still hadn't forgotten about the whole affection thing, which was getting bigger and bigger as the years went by. He knew that the Tugger was attracted to him—but he wasn't. Maybe that's why.
And now that Macavity's returned to the Yard, Tugger would again be trying to keep an eye for the tux.
"No, no, no, no, no... NO!!! I won't let that bastard of the Tugger be protective as hell for me! I am independent enough already! No-one is gonna keep an eye out for me—if they do, I'll cut their eyes out!" He snarled to himself.
"I can only thank him for one thing, though: he took care of me and raised me when I was abandoned by my parents. Yet, nothing else!!! I can't stand having him around me anymore. Dirty bastard."

He conjured up a voodoo doll of Tugger himself, "Every time I pluck one of your 'mane' strands, you'll lose a fan. When all of it is gone, your reputation will be lost. I wonder how'll you react! Will you come at me, whining "Mistoffelees, it's your fault I'm no longer the attraction! It's all because of you!" and I'd go like "Hahaha, you should've not been so proud. If you'd stayed humble and not think yourself a god, this wouldn't have happened." Yes, that's how it's gonna be. And now, let's go for the first..." He plucked one strand.

The next day, the tuxedo awoke with excitement, remembering what he conjured the previous night. He went out of his den, and went looking for Tugger. He was expecting to see him in an upset mood. When he did find him, Tugger sure enough was upset. Mistoffelees began giggling before slowly approaching the Maine coon, clapping his hands, "So, who did you lose? Bomba?" He tilted his head.
Tugger looked up, "What? No, what are you talking about?"
Munkustrap was there, too, "Mistoffelees, you gotta be careful. Macavity is nearby everywhere we go—he's more powerful than he was when he got kicked out."
"I get that part, Munkustrap, but why does... this... This repugnant, dirty, little brat have a long face?"
The silver tabby tom gathered them all together closely, "Misto, I need to leave you two if you really want to know." He then left the area to patrol the Yard.

Tugger turned to the tux, "Misty,"
Misty? Oh, great, he was now calling him a girl's name.
"It seems the affection is getting overboard."
"Yeah, I'm leaving. I'm not up for all the I Love You's. G'bye."
Tugger curved his muzzle in annoyance at this response, pulling Mistoffelees back, "No, listen to me. This is very important. It's not that I'm asking you to be my mate, it's that–"
"Ha. Gaaaaaaaaaaay!"
"Shut up!" Tugger snarled quietly, "It's that I want you to know–"
"Yes, you wanna be my mate just because you can—and are gay." The tux quipped, grinning.
The golden tabby rolled his eyes, "I just don't love you, but I... I... I am in love with you. Now, okay, I know how this sounds but I just wanted you to know. Like, I really lose it when I see you. You're the most beautiful cat I've ever seen, like... That face, the way you move, your magic... It's all just perfect for me! You are unique and that's why I'm... I'm falling—no, let me rephrase that—fell for you. You mean a lot to me, Mistoffelees. If I see you die in that dual with Macavity..." He shook his head, sulking it, "I don't know what I'd do. You're still young for you to lose your life over a stupid, bloodthirsty, battlehungry feline fiend."
He then put his head on Misto's, putting his paws on his cheeks, "I don't want to lose you, my tux, I really don't. Forgive me if I have made you feel uneasy around me since, but... Just so you know, I'm always there."

Mistoffelees blinked, speechless. This really touched his heart. Tugger was still in fact an innocent soul. He sighed heavily, "I'll try to be careful, Tugger. But if I am to die, then I will. I own magic but I can't control time. I can't see my future ahead of me, just like anyone else. Now, I have to go back to my den and get ready for Macavity."

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