Chapter Twenty-Two

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The little balls of fur that Mistoffelees once carried inside were now a litter of playful, jumpy, and elated kits-their innocence making them pure-blooded enough already.

"Master, question..."
"You can't ask your Master questions, Plato. As a henchcat, you don't speak till you're spoken to. But I'm letting it flow this one time; what is it?"
"Master, you said you were gonna murder the pure-blooded kits."
"I just thought only a few weeks old is too early... and too cruel."
"Master, you're the Hidden Paw. Every single one of your crimes can be obvious that were done by you, but they never can hunt you down. And if you're gonna kill them anyway, why let them live?"
"Oh, Plato..." Macavity chuckled, "I know my reasons. Letting them live and then murdering them causes even more suffering for the parents."
"Master," Plato cleared his throat, "Your brother didn't do any-"
"He did!" Macavity snorted.
"Those seven unlucky kits with the tuxedo. That's what!"

Plato sulked his head, "Well, then, Master... I s'pose I should get going."
"Yes, leave, before I change my mind on the plan."


Dayton was annoying Athena again. He was chasing her around, trying to catch her and bite her ear.
Athena let out a cry when he finally caught her.
Mistoffelees approached the two, "Athena, Dayton!" He snapped, "Can you just stop? It's enough already!"
Tugger came along, quirking a brow, "Now, what have you done that you've gotten your mother mad?"
"We? More like him!" Athena hissed, pointing at Dayton.
"Okay, first of all, don't provoke her, and two, Athena, tell me the moment he starts."

All of sudden, there was a knock. Tugger went to open it-Macavity!
"Helloooo...?" The Maine coon tilted his head.
"Yes, hello, my brother. How are you two doing?"
"Good, good..."

Tugger was super suspicious. Why was he here?

"That's good. Misty? You good?"
"Wait, what..? M-Mac?!"
"Sh, don't worry. I've just come to say hi; to see how beautiful your kits have grown into."
"Thanks, I guess?"

The ginger tabby slowly approached Athena, carrying her and putting her on his lap, "My, beautiful daughter you have." He examined her carefully, before looking up the two. His eyes widened and grinned.
This look frightened Misto, "What are you doing?" He growled, gritting his teeth.
"Oh, tux. Wouldn't it be a shame if such a beautiful daughter..." He pulled out his pocket knife, "Were to die?" He laughed, putting the knife to the queen's throat. Athena began screaming, trying to get loose.
Tugger-who was pissed-threw himself over at Macavity, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER, YOU BEAST!!!" He began biting and scratching the other tom.
"So you didn't learn your lesson, you idiot? I'm much more stronger than you are! I cannot be defeated!" Macavity returned the attacks, adding kicking to the fight.
Soon, the floor was covered in sweat and blood.
Misto hid the kittens somewhere safe and well-hidden from Macavity.

It was obvious who was going to win this fight

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It was obvious who was going to win this fight. The ginger tom gave Tugger one last scratch on the face, then leaving him where he was to bleed.

 The ginger tom gave Tugger one last scratch on the face, then leaving him where he was to bleed

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Misto was shivering and quietly crying. Suddenly, he was pulled vigorously from where he was hiding. He screamed.

The kits stared in horror as they watched their mother get beaten up terribly. Misto was getting blood all over his face, and his vision started to get all blurry. He then was thrown hard against the floor. He coughed up blood.

Macavity then approached Athena once again-she was his main goal. He picked her up and held her tight, slitting her throat in just one pull of the knife.
Tugger yelled out, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD; MONSTER!!!" He got up, letting his heavy and thick tears run down his face. He charged at the other, biting on his neck.
Macavity yowled, but gripped onto the knife, stabbing the Maine coon on the shoulder. Tugger rolled over with a yowl.

Macavity approached Dayton and Harmonia. The duo began to run away as fast as possible, but the tom struck them dead with lightning from his paws.
Misto watched in horror and pulled Faustina close.
Macavity grinned widely. He picked up Dean, "You adorable thing, aren't you?" He threw him against a wall. The tuxedo kit fell unconscious to the floor, but didn't die. As soon as he awoke, he got out from a small exit nearby. It was sealed by a trapdoor but he managed to open it and escape.

Aaron and Louis were hidden under a blanket. They hoped that the ginger tom didn't find them, but, alas, he did.
He bit on their soft skins, breaking them for they were so soft and delicate. As soon as he saw blood coming from them, he threw them against the ground and left them to bleed.
Tugger ran towards the duo, licking their wounds, but they were too deep and, unfortunately, they died within a few minutes. He cried over the limp bodies of his sons, looking up at his brother, who was about to threaten his now only daughter, and mate.
"Bloodthirsty animal... I like it."
"Please... I never caused you such pain, I never toyed with your feelings... I never made you suffer..."
"You stole him from me, I steal them from you both!" Macavity snapped, turning to Faustina and Mistoffelees, pointing his knife at the tuxedo, "You, in particular. You played with my feelings for you. I relied on you... But, hey! Isn't it fun to leave me and have sex with my brother and bear his kittens? It is fun! Do you know what else is fun? Murder. Murder is fun." He raised his knife, ready to stab Misto in the heart.
Faustina yelled and got up, creating a lightning-bubble shield with her paws.
This gave the family of now three the chance to escape. But Macavity reached them in no time flat, trapping Misto and catching the young kitten. The parents tried going after him, but alas!
Macavity had disappeared into the distance...

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