Chapter Eight

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A few years had passed, and Mistoffelees had finally attended his First Ball. He saw beauty before his eyes.
The others were amazed when he did his solo; they didn't think he could do such dance at that age.

At the end of it, he ran straight towards Tugger, "Hey, did you know what I hated about it?" He whispered.
"What?" Tugger turned his head at the small tuxedo.
"The Mating Dance. Why? Because even kits your age have to choose a match!" Misto huffed.
"Aaaannd... What are you trying to tell me?"
"I didn't want anyone but they paired me up with Electra anyway!"
Tugger snorted and began laughing, "Come on, you're not even mating. It's just to go along with it. Besides, Electra is a nice kitty. Isn't that right, Bomba?" The Maine coon faced a beautiful red queen, a bit older than him—around two years.
Bombalurina nodded softly, "Yes, that's true."
"Hey, Misto. Chill! You know I'm still in charge of you and need to keep an eye on you and your behavior twenty-four seven. I could report you to Jenny and Jelly on how stubborn you're acting."
"Do so! I don't care."

Tugger glared at him with a cold look, then turned to face Bomba, "I'm really going to. Stay with him." He whispered.
The red queen nodded.
"Let's see if you really don't care."
Misto stuck out his tongue in annoyance.
Not a bit later, he heard Jellylorum call his name. He widened his eyes and began pacing towards her, "Yes?"
"Tugger's told me you've been acting very badly lately. Is that true?"
He said nothing for a moment, "It is."
"He's the one who annoys me!"
Jelly faced the Maine coon, "Do you?"
"I only tease him, Ms Jellylorum. He gets irritated quickly, that's the problem."
"Tugger, you know tuxedo cats aren't really the type to take jokes seriously as they grow older."
Tugger sighed, rolling his eyes, "I know. But, I sometimes don't even make a joke, he takes it as one and thinks it's not funny... When it wasn't to begin with..."

Jelly sighed, "Do me a favor and don't fight—it seems to me that the relationship between the two of you is fading. But because it seems you no longer really care. Especially you, Tugger. You're becoming more and more careless of this tux as the time passes by. But even if you do, do me that one favor I asked you to do."

Jelly was right—they had started to stop caring about each other. And it all began when Tugger started to hang out with Bombalurina. Or at least that's what Misto thought.

It's all because of her, Mistoffelees thought, He deserted me because of her.
He always got upset when he saw the tom he once looked up as a brother with that queen.
I hate her, he thought.
He needed Victoria in these situations, but she, too, started ditching him. She began hanging out with Jelly's son, Plato, not long ago. You could already tell they were becoming good friends.
But what about the tux? Yeah, what about him? The two cats he loved most in The Yard just didn't spend time with him anymore. He felt really isolated at the thought of it.

He teared up and went to sit on a nearby junk pile, sobbing quietly as he curled into a ball.
Munkustrap took notice of the kitten, "Hey, Misto, what's wrong?"
Misto looked up, "It's... It's Victoria—and Tugger!"
"What about them?"
"Both of them once told me that they cared but now they don't!"
"Your own sister? I doubt that."
"No, really, she is no longer talking to me ever since she began talking to Plato."
"Ah, Plato... That white-copper-colored son of Jellylorum and Gus?"
"Vicky is your sister, Misty. I'm pretty sure she does care—even I do. We love every and single one that was born and bred a Jellicle. We are a tribe; a family! You changed the points of view of everyone when you arrived; your magic is... Incredibly fascinating."
"Munkustrap, you're very kind."
"It's in my nature. They always said that I had the mind of my father. It's unknown where Macavity got his, though... He's no longer a Jellicle, we all know that."
"For very fair reasons."
"True that."
Misto sighed, "I really want to spend time with Tugger and Victoria again."
"Why won't you spend time with me? I promise I'll always be there, especially when you need someone."
The tux looked up, "Thank you, Munkustrap." He tightly hugged the silver tom and hopped off the pile. That tabby was very good at cheering others up! No wonder he was everyone's favorite. Perhaps this way would also let the tux get closer to him.

"Hey." Tugger came from behind.
Mistoffelees turned around, rolling his eyes, "What?"
Tugger was a little shocked at his response, "What what?"
"What do you want?"
"Ahem... Well, to be honest, I was gonna say that I apologize for being rude to you but I see you're returning it yourself, so what's the point?"
"No, Tugger, I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have gotten mad so quickly at you either."
"I accept your apology. Now, come. I need to show you something." The Maine coon took the tux by the paw and began pacing towards The Forest.
"Why are you taking me somewhere everyone knows now?"
"It's still secret in many ways..."
"What do you mean?"
"The Forest is huge, alright? It's divided into many parts. Remember The Waterfall Cave? It's part of The Forest. And the bit everyone knows is the woods: we're going to the woods, but deeper."
"What are we gonna do there?"
"Just be patient."

The duo eventually reached a certain point. The Maine coon sighed heavily, closing his eyes, "I'm sorry if it sounds weird, but..."
"But...?" The tux tilted his head.
"The love I have for you... It's... It is mutating into something else, and that's why I've been trying to keep my distance. I don't want anyone to say anything. I know I'm still in charge of you, but I can trust you into thinking you can do most things by yourself now. So, I'm sorry if I'm making you feel ignored." He murmured quickly and walked away the moment he finished.

Mistoffelees blinked, not in confusion, but in shock. He knew what he meant—he was old enough to somewhat understand these subjects. But why him—and at this age? The two had three years apart and the thought made the young tux feel quite uneasy.
Now, this was a fair reason to start pulling back from Tugger. He would just get weirder and weirder day after day. Not to mention he was becoming the Yard's flirt around the little queens.

"Ew. So gross, SO GROSS!!!" Misto yelled, "I thought I could've stayed close to him all my life, but he's becoming an arrogant and gross weirdo! A flirt! The only thing I can thank him for is for saving my and Victoria's lives! There's nothing else I want from him anymore. No wonder Skimble has been telling me to start staying away from him. Ugh! Ugly, disturbed cat! I hate you, Rum Tum Tugger!"

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